Increasing Your Leadership and Professional Power
September 11, 2024
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Beyond the Busy; Self-Talk in Self-Leadership
October 9, 2024
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Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Get Involved

Join a Committee or Serve on the Board of Directors

MPIMP Committee members influence the direction of our chapter and have fun in the process.  Peruse the descriptions below and click the email link to ask questions or to volunteer!  All committees do require regular attendance at our monthly education events!

Interested in serving on the MPI Middle PA Board of Directors?  Email our Chapter Administrator at for more information. 

 Board of Directors Job Descriptions



Are you passionate about MPI?  Serve on a committee, gain experience, and then potentially apply for a board position!  Or you can be a faithful committee member, volunteering your time without ever pursuing a board position.  We welcome you in whatever capacity and time commitment you’re willing to give!


The Communications Committee is responsible for producing the e-newsletter on a monthly basis, writing post-event descriptions for the website, submitting chapter activities to local business calendars, photography at all events, and maintenance or updates to the MPIMP website.

The Communications Committee supports the Vice President of Communications and Marketing as well as the Director of Communications and PR by promoting the MPIMP website, social media channels, chapter activities, brand awareness, and advocacy.  In addition the Communications Committee also provides support and insight into new communications initiatives for the chapter.

Committee members choose (at minimum) one responsibility from the above suggestions and participate in planning/logistics meetings either via phone or in person – not to exceed 6 meetings/year.


Vice President of Communications

Teri Jakob

Director of Communications

Jenny McConnell


The Education Committee is responsible for creating the annual MPIMP educational plan which includes site selection and logistics, as well as speaker selection for monthly meetings.  Committee is also responsible for special education projects such as regional education conference or joint projects.

Committee Members - Must attend planning meetings (maximum 4 per year) and be responsible for the planning & logistic details for at least one monthly meeting. 


Vice President of Education


Director of Education

Megan Posey

The Sponsorship Committee is responsible for overseeing the sponsorship program within MPIMP.  Committee members engage potential sponsors, maintain current sponsor relationships and ensure that sponsors receive value to their investment.  We meet monthly and are the fun committee!

Committee Members - Must attend planning meetings (maximum 4 per year).

Committee members are committed to their roles and the objectives of MPIMP. They are true advocates for the organization.


Co-Director of Sponsorships

Penny Brady

Co-Director of Sponsorships

Mari Killian 

Vice President of Finance

Sandy Barscheski

The Membership Committee is responsible for taking the lead on recruiting and renewing members. The goal of the committee is to not only increase membership but also retain membership.  MPIMP receives points from MPI when we hit targeted goals set by MPI.  The points turn into money which can be used for high caliber speakers which benefits the entire membership. Committee members are tasked with following up with those up for renewal to make sure they plan to continue their relationship with MPIMP.

The membership committee also reviews and approves scholarship applications and is involved with the planning and executing the annual bowling event.

Committee Members - Must attend planning meetings (maximum 4 per year).

Committee members are committed to their roles and the objectives of MPIMP. They are true advocates for the organization.


Vice President of Membership


Director of Membership 

Karin Travitz

The Special Projects and Events Committee is responsible for providing vision and goals for yearly special events including but not limited to the Annual Holiday Luncheon & Silent Auction and June Gala.

The Committee oversees the development of an Annual Charitable Centered Event, and assists with logistical planning of the Annual Business Meeting and Mid-Year Board Retreat.

Committee Members must attend Full Committee Meetings as well as Event Sub Committee Meetings as directed by Committee Chairs. Committee Members must always have regular attendance at MPIMP Monthly Meetings.


Vice President of Special Events


Director of Special Events

Cyndy Cosner

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