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March 21, 2025
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April Education - NEW DATE
April 17, 2025
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Overall Excellence Chapter Award

Request for Proposal - 2023 Educational Program

Would you like to showcase your property/venue and your local area to Central PA’s Meeting Professionals? Then we need you! MPIMP is now accepting proposals for 2022/2023 Educational Programs. 

This is a wonderful opportunity to reach our membership in the corporate, association, and independent meeting professionals. Exposure is the key to success in our industry. By developing relationships with fellow members, whether planners or suppliers, you will strengthen your property/venue’s name in the industry, resulting in bottom-line, measurable business. 

Benefits of Hosting a Meeting:
Showcase what your property/venue and your local area have to offer the meetings industry
MPIMP Chapter Host  Recognition on a poster displayed at the event
Featured on the Events Calendar with a direct link to your website
Microphone time during announcements to promote your property & upcoming event at the chapter event prior to your hosting date.
Opportunity to take attendees on a site tour during your hosted event. 
MPIMP will share survey feedback from attendees regarding their satisfaction with your property

Meeting Specifications:
The following will provide you with a profile of what we are planning for FY 2022/2023 including our needs/requirements for hosting the events. If you have any questions regarding the specifications, please contact us at mpimiddlepa@outlook.com

1.     Times and dates can be slightly flexible pending confirmation with VP of Education. 
2. Registration will begin approximately 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start of each program.  Please provide a skirted table, two chairs, and a waste basket. If registration occurs before lunch or reception, coffee/tea/decaf and water should be provided for participants. 
3. Depending on the program, the requirements for each meeting may be different. Meeting rooms should accommodate up to 80 individuals, include audio-visual systems, and must be available gratis.  
4. Room set-ups must be completed one hour prior to the start of the programs.
5. Breakfasts will begin promptly at 8:30 am with a session to follow.  Luncheons will start promptly at 12:00 noon with a session prior.  Afternoon receptions will begin at approximately 4:00 pm following the session.  Meal service should last about 60 minutes.  
6. MPMPI meal budgets:  breakfast at $16.00/person; lunch at $20.00/person; reception (should include a cash bar with first drink offered gratis) at $30.00/person. All prices are inclusive. ONLY November requires other meals over and above lunch. 
7.     November overnight event host is asked to offer 10 comp guestrooms to planner ONLY. 
8. MPIMP's Board of Directors typically meets each month for 1-2 hours prior to each education session. We ask that the host site provide one small conference room in addition to the main conference room for this purpose. Coffee/tea/decaf and water should be provided gratis.  
9. Meal head counts/confirmations, AV requirements, and any other special arrangements will be provided by a representative of the MPIMP Education Committee.
10. A door prize is required from each host site.  Please indicate your door prize on the RFP. 
11. Our chapter is required to submit a report to MPI National for all in-kind contributions received.  Please be prepared to provide the value of all items comped or reduced when hosting an event for MPMP.  



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