Summer Mixer & New Member Recruitment
August 15, 2024
Liberty Mountain Resort
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Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Chapter Board Application


The officers and directors represent the voice of the chapter’s membership.  To ensure that the Board has the vision and the ability to provide the membership with a variety of benefits including opportunities for learning, building relationships, and growing their businesses, it is required that the board collectively possess the following traits: 

~ Diversity ~ Commitment ~ Accountability ~ Respectful ~ Communication ~ Professional ~

~ Reputable ~ Open-minded ~ Fiscally Responsible ~ Management Skills

With this in mind, please answer the following questions, which illustrate your ideas for the future growth, direction, and development of the MPI Middle Pennsylvania Chapter. The final board slate will be determined by January.

Time Commitment:

Regular attendance at monthly meetings, chapter activities and functions, attendance at Board meetings and retreats.


Ability to lead; viewed by others as leader; excellent reputation in the community; self-awareness - the ability to read one's emotions and recognize their impact while using gut feelings to guide decisions; self-management - involves controlling one's emotions and impulses and adapting to changing circumstances.


See below to rate yourself:

Experience Rating:  1 – 3 Very Little to Some | 4 – 6 Some to Moderate | 7 – 10 Moderate to Expert 

Individual Assessment Rating (1 – 10) ___________

Strategic Thinking: 

Strategic approach to finding and developing unique opportunities to drive value;

understanding of fundamental drivers of business and vigorously challenging conventional thinking about them.


See below to rate yourself:

Experience Rating:  1 – 3 Very Little to Some | 4 – 6 Some to Moderate | 7 – 10 Moderate to Expert 


Select a choice

Personal Communication Skills: 

Demonstrated strong verbal and written communication skills; the ability to sense, understand, and react to other's emotions while comprehending social networks. Experience in organization and group dynamics.


See below to rate yourself:

Experience Rating:  1 – 3 Very Little to Some | 4 – 6 Some to Moderate | 7 – 10 Moderate to Expert 


Select a choice


Demonstrated ability to inspire, influence and develop others while managing conflict.


See below to rate yourself: 

Experience Rating:  1 – 3 Very Little to Some | 4 – 6 Some to Moderate | 7 – 10 Moderate to Expert 


Select a choice

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