Summer Mixer & New Member Recruitment
August 15, 2024
Liberty Mountain Resort
More Info

Overall Excellence Chapter Award

Are you looking for a job? Is your company or organization hiring? Can you refer someone to a job? Visit the #MPIMP Job Hub today for current job opportunities! Feel free to post, comment & view for free here.

 Questions? Need assistance? Email the Chapter Admin here.



As a member of the Chapter, we're offering an additional value to you by allowing our partners/members to share their happenings within their organization. MPIMP will share the information/happening in our e-newsletter "Member Minutes" and social media platforms. 

If you need more information, please email our Chapter Administrator by email at  

Current Member of MPI Middle PA Chapter:

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Job Postings





jobAre you looking for a job? Is your company or organization hiring? Are you looking to refer a member of #MPIMP for a job? Visit our Chapter's Job Hub here. Feel free to visit, post & view for free. 

Questions? Need assistance? Email the Chapter Admin here. 

 Other Portals: Hcareers, Indeed & PA Restaurant and Lodging Association 

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