Summer Mixer & New Member Recruitment
August 15, 2024
Liberty Mountain Resort
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Overall Excellence Chapter Award



President's Corner


I am thrilled to be serving as the 2023/2024 President and plan to live up to the successful leadership of all my predecessors.  

We are finishing up our fantastic 15th anniversary and on our way to year 16!

MPI promotes the importance of: bringing people together to change the world, a worthy cause indeed, and embraced by the Middle Pennsylvania Chapter!

Our Chapter, like all, has been through some low times over the last few years. However, this year we added 40 new members! Thanks to the perseverance of all of you!

During the upcoming year, we aim to make more gains in membership. We will continue to provide the relevant education, networking opportunities and professional development to provide all of our members the full benefit of being a member of our chapter of EXCELLENCE! 

- Kerri Fay, 2023/2024 MPI Middle PA Chapter President

Kerri Fay 37

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