Despite the potential setbacks, MPI Middle PA Chapter (MPIMP) banded together - from volunteers transitioning events to virtual or hybrid, to our amazing members who attended the events. In a time when we all needed to work together, the MPIMP stepped up!
In true MPIMP fashion, the Annual Year End Celebration is traditionally one of the highest attended events for our Chapter offering a live silent auction, community service project, networking and much more.
We will be announcing the Member Awards, bidding farewell to the 2020-2021 Board of Directors, welcoming the incoming 2021-2022 Board of Directors, and recognizing all of our volunteers from the past year. Hear from current Cyndy Cosner as she wraps up the past year, as well as our incoming president Peter Sorensen shares on what to expect in the year to come.
Member Awards Categories:
1. Supplier of the Year
2. Planner of the Year
3. Outstanding Volunteer of the Year
4. Young Professional Rising Star
5. Recruiter of the Year - No need for nominations in this category. The winner is selected based on the number of new members he or she has recruited as of March 31, 2021.
Refer a friend and join in on the fun!
5:30 PM - Registration
5:45 - 5:50 PM - Welcome and Susquehanna Service Dogs
5:50 - 5:55 PM - Peter Sorenson to Introduce Belinda Cottrell
6:00 - 6:10 PM - Belinda Cottrell, Director of Chapter Operations with MPI Global to present Chapter
6:15 - 6:20 PM - Scott Higgins Sponsor Highlight
6:20 - 6:30 PM - Awards Presentation
6:35 - 6:40 PM - Cyndy Cosner to Address Board
6:40 - 7:15 PM - Networking
7:15 PM - Silent Auction Closes
7:15 - 7:25 PM - Raffle Prizes
Register today to reserve a spot to attend!
Members: $40
Non-Member: $50
Guest? Potential New Member? Email:
Please note: Space availability is subject to state & venue restrictions and limitations.
The Wyndham Gettysburg is offering overnight accommodations at $99 rate. Call 717-339-0020 and ask for MPIMP End of Year Annual Celebration group block.
Virtual/Live Silent Auction:
Are you ready to go shopping? Are you ready for a vacation to a members venue?
The virtual silent auction will open for bidding on May 24th at 8 AM and will close at the event, May 27th at 7 PM. An email will be sent prior to the opening of the auction to view all silent auction items.
***Silent auction:***
5/4/2021 Wolf Administration to Lift Mitigation Orders on Memorial Day, Masking Order Once 70% of PA Adults Fully Vaccinated
Harrisburg, PA - The Wolf administration, in coordination with the COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Task Force, announced today that mitigation orders except masking will be lifted on Memorial Day, Monday, May 31 at 12:01 AM.
The current order requiring Pennsylvanians to wear masks will be lifted when 70% of Pennsylvanians age 18 and older are fully vaccinated. Face coverings are required to be worn indoors and outdoors if you are away from your home. In accordance with the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance, fully vaccinated Pennsylvanians are not required to wear a mask during certain activities.
More information is available on the COVID-19 Data Dashboard.
Community Service Project:
Event is being hosted at the Wyndham Gettysburg, MPIMP Bronze sponsor. For more information on the hotel, COVID descriptions or point of contact at the property please reference:
Gettysburg, PA Hotels - Wyndham Gettysburg Hotel (
Wyndham Gettysburg
Sandy A. Sipe, CMP
Complex Director of Sales and Marketing
95 Presidential Circle
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Ph. 717.339.0020 ext. 6015 Cell: 717.514.6086
COVID Protocol:
The Wyndham Gettysburg team is committed to offering you a safe and comfortable stay, as the safety and wellbeing of our guests and associates is of paramount importance.
What we are doing and/or will we be doing for the near future. Procedures may be added, replaced or stopped at any time as hotel sees fit or government orders change. The restaurant currently is operating and take-out only. As Adams County is allowed to offer in-restaurant dinning policy and procedures, below, may change for government requirements.
Hotel and Staff:
The hotel is actively monitoring employee health encouraging symptomatic employees to stay home. In addition, employees have been trained on proper sneezing and coughing etiquette to reduce risks to others.
Proper hygiene.
Training, training and more training. Train more as staff is brought back.
Thermometer has been purchased. Associate can take their temperatures voluntary. If the state requires business to take temperatures of associates and/or guest/customers we are able.
Social distancing when riding elevators.
If at any time a staff member is requested or required to enter a guestroom we will require all guests to vacate the room prior to entering.
The hotel is researching sanitize door stickers once a rooms is cleaned/sanitized.
Front Desk:
Redesigning the arrival and front desk to observe proper social distancing for our guests and associates.
Guest room keys are sanitized when returned from guest.
Luggage carts are sanitized after use.
The hotel has reached out to our chemical cleaning vendor, EcoLab, for additional staff training and updates on recommended cleaning and personal hygiene safe practices. More training as housekeeping staff is brought back.
The hotel is in the process of changing one of our cleaning chemicals to a more robust disinfectant solutions.
The hotel has a new Room Attendant Training Checklist.
Public Space:
Increase cleaning frequency of high touch areas including but not limited to: door knobs, light switches, elevator buttons, arm rests on chairs, telephones, remotes in guest rooms and fitness center.
Increase frequency of cleaning of public restrooms including but not limited to; sink, faucets, countertops, bathroom stall walls, toilet bowls, toilet seats, toilet bases and urinals. Paying close attention to handles, grab bars and toilet paper dispensers.
Fitness Center cleaning frequency has increase with focus on high touch surfaces but not limited to; water cooler, equipment, door handle and television remotes. As business levels increase the hotel may need to start taking fitness center reservations to ensure social distancing compliance.
Pool area cleaning frequency has increase with focus on high touch surfaces but not limited to; door handles, tables, chairs, latter/stair railing and bathrooms.
Hand sanitizing stations, hand sanitizer and sanitizer wipes will be available throughout public space.
No Stay-Over service.
The hotel is completing a new more detailed public space sanitation checklist to ensure cleaning and sanitizing takes place more frequently.
Housekeeping: (continued)
Guest Rooms:
Housekeeping Manager and General Manager will begin a cleaning training program on Friday May 8. The training will touch on; our people, our product and our procedures.
The hotel developed a new guestroom checklist for cleaning and/or sanitizing that compliments previous checklist. The new checklist covers but not limited to; light switches, closet doors, curtain rods, iron and board, luggage rack, etc…
Food and Beverage:
We have reinforced training of all food handlers (kitchen, dish stewards, restaurant servers, banquet servers) on all aspects of safe food handling and hygiene practices and preventative measures for reducing risk of contamination to guests and/or staff members. More training as Food and Beverage staff is brought back.
Mindful of social distancing
Clean and sanitize prep areas.
Staff wearing mandated PPE.
To-go area has been implemented to transfer food to guests/customers.
No touching prepared food with bare hands.
Wash hand frequently for a minimum of 20 seconds.
Restaurant tables will not have, salt/pepper shakers, condiment caddies or placemats. The table will be bare.
Tables, chairs and bar stools will be removed as dinning in the restaurant/lounge returns. As social distancing continues.
Disposable menus will be used.
Clean and sanitize restaurant and kitchen often. Wipe chairs, stools, tables and bar tops after each guests use.
When room service starts back up it may be a contactless transaction with no signature needed. Items will be placed in to-go containers and then into a back. Order will be delivered by an associate wearing the mandated PPE will place bag at guest door, Knock and Leave.
Meeting/Banquet Space:
Currently working procedures for meetings, catering and banquet functions.
No buffets for at least the near future.
Social distancing.
Working on new room diagrams and setting specs for social distancing.
Working on how food service looks like.
We are continuously improving/adding new operating procedures and policies as we gather more information. As we learn more we will continue to create new or enhance current Standard Operating Procedures. We will continue to monitor government ordinances, state, and local public health guidelines, and follow the recommended measures provided by the CDC and public health authorities, adjusting our operations to stay current with these guidelines. The above list is procedures that we are currently doing, will be doing when business levels return or as government ordinances change.
The hotel reserves the right to add, delete or modify the above tasks.
We appreciate your understanding and flexibility during this time.
Please contact your Service or Sales Manager with questions or concerns. -Wyndham Management