Interactive Planner & Supplier Roundtables - Get Your Questions Answered!
Let's get your burning answers questioned!
Please join us for an interactive planner & supplier roundtables led by CVBs, venues/hotels and vendors through specialty software that allows you to switch between tables and network around the room.
Topics Covered:
1. Contracts
2. Mental Health
3. Status of 2021 Events
4. Future of Technology
5. We Want to Hear From You! Suggested Professional Development
6. Food/Beverage Updates
7. Signage
Our special guests that are facilitating:
Pam Kammerer - Signs by Tomorrow West
Scott Higgins - Valley Forge Tourism & Convention Board
Valerie Case - Pocono Mountains Convention & Visitors Bureau
Ann Marie Knorr - BRP Entertainment
Bree Nidds - Discover Lehigh Valley
Sandy Sipe - Wyndham Gettysburg
Danielle Work - Spooky Nook
So come on out to see your fellow MPIMP colleagues again in a fun new way!

Please note: For your viewing pleasure, when using a desktop or tablet, phones have limited functions on the software.
During the event, MPIMP will have a Help Desk table on Remo for questions, tech support & more for the application Remo.
To Attend:
Donate a minimum of $5 to the Chapters Renewal Support Fund to help your peers. More information on the Renewal Support Fund.
Venue Details