Summer Mixer & New Member Recruitment
August 15, 2024
Liberty Mountain Resort
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Overall Excellence Chapter Award



MPI Middle Pennsylvania Branded Events

Our programming and education team has developed new branding for our events that will help you understand the different types of events and make it easier for you to select which events align with your development needs.


Learn with MPI – Events that are focused on learning, education, professional development and growing your career.



•  Education sessions
•  Speaker presentations
•  Panel discussions
•  Industry leader events


Inspire with MPI – Events that are designed to motivate, stimulate and inspire.



•  Year‐End Awards Gala 
•  Motivational speakers 
•  National 
•  Fundraising events


Connect with MPI – Events that provide the opportunity to network, engage and connect with fellow MPI members and guests.



•  Mix & Mingle (M&M)
•  Caffeinated Conversations
•  Mentorship program


Meet with MPI – Events that are targeted, smaller in size, and with a strong interactive component.



•  Focus groups
•  Round tables 
•  Coffee talk


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