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Top Performing Chapter Award



October 2019 Educational Program

Oct 29, 2019
Pan Pacific Hotel Seattle
2125 Terry Avenue
Seattle, Washington


1:00 PM - 1:30 PM - Registration & Networking
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM - Program begins & Speaker Presentation 
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM - Q&A 
Auction to follow the program

The Fish Doesn’t Know It’s Wet

What companies get wrong about diversity, inclusion and belonging, and how you as the meeting planner can help them get it right

Companies in the U.S. invest about $8B a year on Diversity Training. But study after study indicates that they don’t work. Why? And what do we need to do differently?

Join MPI Washington State Chapter and our featured Keynote speaker, Nancy D. Solomon, Founder and CEO of and The Leadership Incubator in Seattle, for an engaging presentation.

Creating warm and welcoming experiences for all attendees at events is very important and MPIWSC is committed to advancing the progress related to Diversity and Inclusion.  The topic is professional, political and personal, all at the same time. The issues might be confusing, exasperating and overwhelming but they are also solvable. In this one-hour presentation you will learn:

1.    How to identify diversity and inclusion obstacles and potential areas for improvement within your organization.

2.    Three ways to ensure your organization and/or event is truly diverse and inclusive of all people.

3.    How to create a culture where people say, “I’m in!”

This program has been approved for 1.25 CE hours: CMP-IS Domain E: Human Resources

About Ms. Solomon:

Nancy Solomon-042 copyThe CEO and Founder of The Leadership Incubator, Nancy D. Solomon is an experienced and inspiring Leadership Keynote Speaker. Currently, she delivers high energy, inspiring, relevant and timely content to thousands of people in 85 countries. Passionate about helping people become the leaders they are born to be, Nancy deeply connects with the audience and engages them at a meaningful and sustainable level. Her practical and field-tested guidance is woven with real-life stories, relative research, and tips that can be taken back to work and implemented right away. Highly entertaining and memorable, Nancy is consistently rated one of the top speakers at company conferences and association meetings. 

About the Venue

Pan Pacific Meeting Room Pan Pacific Exterior Pan Pacific - Guestroom 

A remarkable Seattle boutique hotel with the polish of a world-class resort, Pan Pacific Seattle is located on the border of Downtown and the booming South Lake Union neighborhood. Here, travelers are perfectly positioned in the heart of the Emerald City. Guests can easily reach Seattle’s most sought after restaurantsupscale shoppingart galleries and museums. Within striking distance of the city’s biggest attractions — both  Seattle Center and Pike Place Market are just a short walk away — Pan Pacific Seattle is a sanctuary in the city.

Venue Details

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