Crab Feed Registration is NOW OPEN!
February 24, 2025
Our Annual Crab Feed and Auction is on February 25th from 6PM-10PM

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Winter Connects January 2022 Newsletter

Connects is a quarterly newsletter for MPISSN members


Sustainable Meetings and Eliminating Food Waste

Marcia Durst, CMP, Lauren Goff, CMP, CGMP, and Heather Tanfani, CMP

By: MPISSN | Jan 25, 2022

CalSAE pulled off another successful Seasonal Spectacular. This year’s in-person conference showcased the resilience of attendees and vendors.  MPISSN was invited to collaborate with CalSAE and host an educational session, Sustainable Meetings Post-COVID-19; It’s Possible, Let’s Keep Moving Forward.

Marcia Durst, CMP, Lauren Goff, CMP, CGMP, and Heather Tanfani, CMP captivated the room with their passion and knowledge of sustainable meetings. They were able to show that sustainable meeting practices can benefit from cost savings, reduced resource waste, and are realistic to implement. They stressed the importance of historical data and highlighted that it is a powerful tool to reduce food waste. The industry is trending towards valuing accuracy over abundance in regard to food, swag, and materials and our historical event data can help us meet those goals. Food waste and implementing food rescue plans created a lot of buzz among the attendees. Marcia and Heather shared their experience implementing food rescue programs and also shared their resources for doing so. You can find the tool kit they developed here ( ) on the MPISSN website. We appreciate all the attendees who came and supported the session. We look forward to seeing you all at our next educational session.

MPI Session

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MPISSN 2022 Programming Input Needed!

With all that has changed, we know your time out of the office is limited and valuable. Let us know what kind of programming you would like to see through MPISSN in 2022? Select as few or as many that interest you and add your ideas in the open box below!

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Fundraising Event
Feb 25, 2025 6:00 PM | Sacramento, California
Jun 18, 2025 | St. Louis, Missouri

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