Crab Feed Registration is NOW OPEN!
February 24, 2025
Our Annual Crab Feed and Auction is on February 25th from 6PM-10PM

Overall Excellence Chapter Award



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Winter Connects January 2022 Newsletter

Connects is a quarterly newsletter for MPISSN members


Presidents Message


By: Sulema Peterson | Jan 25, 2022

Hello Event Community!

I hope everyone had a joyful holiday and was able to spend time off having fun with family and friends. I know the past couple of weeks have been challenging for many of us, the new variant interrupted many family gatherings and end of year events.  It hit mine hard with two households exposed to Covid, however we persevered and turned portions of Christmas morning into new family traditions that we’ve decided to continue in the future. Silver linings, gotta’ love them…

As we head into Board Nominations, planning for what will sure to be busy Spring events, I want to extend an extra big hug to everyone. Thank you for hanging in there with us in your planner and supplier roles but most importantly as members of our chapter. Our community needs you, your knowledge, leadership and most of all your friendship.

We hope to see you all in a few weeks at our first educational event of the year, February 24, 2022 at the Capitol Event Center. Check the website and social media for complete details. We are currently running a scholarship program, once a quarter we are giving away $100 off membership renewal, please submit your info if you’d like to be considered. Board Nominations are open, if you’d like to learn more about serving on the Board – give me a call! Happy to fill you in on all the fun we have…

Happy New Year and please stay safe and healthy – be diligent about hand washing/anti-bacteria/masks and all the stuff you already know…

Take care,


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Sulema P.
Sulema Peterson
Owner at Sulema Peterson & Associates


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MPISSN 2022 Programming Input Needed!

With all that has changed, we know your time out of the office is limited and valuable. Let us know what kind of programming you would like to see through MPISSN in 2022? Select as few or as many that interest you and add your ideas in the open box below!

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Fundraising Event
Feb 25, 2025 6:00 PM | Sacramento, California
Jun 18, 2025 | St. Louis, Missouri

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