Name and designations: Leanne Calderwood, CMP
Contact information:
Linked IN: Leanne Calderwood, CMP ☕ | LinkedIn
Who is Leanne Calderwood, CMP?
Leanne Calderwood, CMP, believes developing a personal brand is the key to setting yourself apart in the hospitality industry. Serving as a Conference Direct site selection associate for the past 14 years, Leanne used the industry's hiatus in 2020 to help other sales professionals to find their voice and create a brand that attracts business and opportunities.
Her true passion was ignited through this work, and now Leanne serves her community through her blog, videos, online courses, and consulting services around LinkedIn and Personal Branding.
Leanne Level Up your LinkedIn at WEC 2022
Can you tell us about one thing meeting professionals often fail to consider when building their brands?
Without a clear “why”, your branding decisions won’t resonate. Consider why you want to build a brand and who you want to influence with your brand.
What’s a common mistake many meeting professionals make when trying to build their brand?
Many professionals think branding requires a logo, fonts and colours in order to get started - nothing can be further from the truth.
What is one tip you can give to meeting professionals who wish to start building their personal brand?
Start with your strengths; by capitalizing on the things you know you are good at, or passionate about, people will start to make the connection between those talents and you.
What do you hope attendees will take away from this session?
I hope they will have the confidence and the conviction that everyone deserves a brand, now it's time to put yours into action!
Article edited by Darlene Kelly-Stewart, Stonehouse Sales & Marketing Services
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