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Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Special Announcement - Rise Award Nomination

By: Ted Robinson | Jun 13, 2024

MPI Ottawa exists thanks to and, because of the commitment, expertise, and goodwill of volunteers - without volunteers there would be no MPI Ottawa, period. 

And, while our volunteers don't expect anything in return, it is extremely rewarding when all the hard work gets a bit of recognition from colleagues at home and away. That's exactly what happened recently when our Education Committee received word that it has been nominated for an MPI Global Rise Award for Innovative Educational Programming!

This nomination confirms the importance of what members of the Committee have focused on through their work—providing MPI Ottawa Chapter members with education sessions that enable us to grow, thrive, achieve excellence, and attain balance in our work and our lives. What a fantastic way to validate the meaning and purpose of volunteering.

While we fully intend to celebrate this brilliant achievement (and please join us in honouring the Education Committee), we also know that continued success requires new ideas and diverse perspectives. That's where you come in:

  • Why not jump on this wonderful bandwagon?
  • Why not bring your insight and expertise to the table and help MPI Ottawa continue offering our members best-in-class education, events, and leadership opportunities?
  • Why not volunteer with MPI Ottawa?

We Need You! Please, reach out today to and we'll help you find the perfect fit.

Cynthia Headshot  Article edited by Cynthia Beaudin, Canada Foundation for Innovation



Ted Robinson
Business Events Specialist at Tourism Kingston

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