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President's Message - June 2020

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By: Allison Collins | Jun 30, 2020

I remember last year when I took over this role somebody telling me how fast the year will go by. At the time I didn’t feel that way, there was so much to learn, so many things to do. Now that I am at the end of the term I reflect on this past year and they were right; this year did fly by!

This past year certainly was not without its challenges especially when March hit like a lion and Covid19 became a hard reality for many us in our industry. Like several other companies and organizations, MPI Ottawa faced challenges that we had never experienced before. As a Board we rallied together and made some really hard decisions to ensure our Chapter remains successful for many years to come. I feel so honoured and blessed to have worked with the Board Members this year. They are an amazing group of dedicated and passionate professionals and I have learned so much from each and everyone one of them. 

Thank you to the Board, to our amazing volunteers and members for a great year. If you are thinking of jumping out of your comfort zone … I want to encourage you to do it. You will be amazed at what you are capable of and what you can accomplish.

Allison-CollinsArticle written by: Allison Collins, Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre & Westin Wall Centre Vancouver Airport

Article Edited by: Darlene Kelly-Stewart, Stonehouse Sales & Marketing Services



Allison Collins

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