As I reflect on my first quarter as your MPI Ottawa president I am so very proud of where we all are. Mostly I am proud of YOU our members:
- For being committed to keep learning
- For embracing new tech and sharing your knowledge and experiences
- For your bravery to Keep On Keeping On through adversity and the every changing landscape of todays world
- For your willingness to keep nurturing your supplier/planner relationships
- For your creativity and dedication to providing relevant content to your members & clients
- For your commitment to creating new event platforms to engage our participants
- For your eagerness to maintain, increase or start new volunteer projects
- and lastly for your loyalty to our chapter by finding ways to keep your MPI membership through financially difficult times
I appreciate you and on behalf of your MPI Board of Directors we are thankful to by part of your chapter.
Article written/compiled by Nancy Bradshaw
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