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News Around Town – March 2020


By: Katherine Craig | Mar 27, 2020

There are so many changes happening minute by minute that it can feel overwhelming. Taking the time to take care of your mental and physical health needs to remain top priority. There are so many wonderful resources online to discover! Here are two lists featuring mediation apps and fitness channels to explore and keep your mind and body stay in top shape:

Top Mediation Apps Review

Top YouTube Fitness Channels

In addition to the Trusted Resource updates provided by MPI Global, which features articles, industry news, education opportunities and more, the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) as an active supporter of the industry is continuing in monitor the situation and advocate for us. Several general aid packages have been announced and you are invited to check the website regularly for updates as well as to sign-up for their COVID-19 communications. Please review the list of industry support available for businesses compiled by TIAC of relevant and official information sources regarding COVID-19 if it is applicable to you.


How can you help?

Restaurants Canada, the Hotel Association of Canada, and the Tourism Industry Association of Canada have joined forces in their lobbying effort to secure tax relief and a credit facility for the sector as a whole.

Collectively the food service, tourism and hospitality sectors represent $139 billion in direct economic activity and support 1.8 million employees in Canada - nearly 1 in 10 Canadians in the workforce.

Without immediate access to liquidity, our industry is at risk of permanent damage. Many businesses that are shuttered will not reopen, and the duration of unemployment for hundreds of thousands of Canadian workers will last much longer than necessary. The speed and strength of our recovery will depend on the Government’s decision to support us.

Our joint proposal is under consideration by Finance as we speak, but we need your support to get it across the finish line.

  1. Put your signature on our joint proposal by clicking here.
  2. Send a letter to your Member of Parliament urging him/her to support this proposal.(The letter is already pre-written for you, you just need to input your name and address. Click here to send a letter.)

In these times of struggle, now is the time to stay connected. Reach out to your industry peers and know that we are in this together!  Together we are stronger, and we need the full strength of our industries behind us.


katherine-craig-headshot-2019 Article written by Katherine Craig, CMP,  CHEO Foundation

Article edited by Rozanne Lyons, CMP, Intertask Conferences



Katherine Craig

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