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Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Insider Initiative – Centre des Congrès, QC

_Insider Experience MPI50

By: Elodie Lortal, CMP, DES | Apr 1, 2022

Go Zero Banner

Basic details of the Unique Project:
Company: GoZero Recycle
Video :

Centre logo 

Location: Centre des congrès, QC
City, Country: Quebec City, QC, Canada
Client: Marc Poirier, Director, Building Management and Event Support Centre des congrès Québec
Installed in: December 2021

Specific Project’s Questions:

Centre des congrès green

When was this idea first proposed?

The idea was first proposed in Fall 2021.


What was the main objective of this project?

The main objective was to reduce waste by giving visitors and event attendees an opportunity to recycle their disposable masks.

What was different about this specific project for the Centre?

The immediacy of the need. The Convention Centre is used to finding innovative ways to lessen the environmental impact of its activities. Recycling disposable masks became a pressing need because of the pandemic and the easing of restrictions for the meeting and event industry.

Green Washing

What was the biggest obstacle to overcome?

The biggest obstacle to overcome was finding a trusted partner.

What was the biggest success?

The biggest success was finding a partner that was able to trace our boxes in the recycling process to guarantee materials were truly recycled.

Watch VIDEO (link

Recycling box

Where was the recycling boxes installed?

Five boxes were installed in the Convention Centre, including in the administrative offices.

What is new or innovative?

Recycling disposable masks is a new endeavor for the Convention Centre and more broadly for the meeting industry as this is not an industry that usually uses individual protection equipment.

Darlene HeadshotArticle edited by: Darlene Kelly-Stewart, Stonehouse Sales & Marketing Services

Article compiled by: Elodie Lortal



EL Headshot
Elodie Lortal, CMP, DES
Catering Coordinator at National Arts Centre

📢 I am a bilingual meetings and events coordinator who helps clients and organizations to plan their events in one of our five unique meeting spaces. The National Arts Centre is an ideal Ottawa venue for virtual, hybrid, or in-person events.


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