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Insider Experience – GMID Spring into Nice

_Insider Experience MPI50

By: Elodie Lortal, CMP, DES | Jun 1, 2022

GMID 2 - CSE Graphics 1200x628
Basic details of the event

Title: GMID Spring into Nice 
Date: April 7, 2022, 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 
City, Country: Ottawa, Canada 
Host Venue: Shaw Centre 

Specific Planning Questions:

Organizing Team

  • Zeina Archerir
  • Daniela Caputo
  • Lynn Chiasson
  • Courtney Jones
  • Bruce Landry
  • Desmond Lomas
  • Emily McKay
  • Ted Robinson
  • Allyson Tonelli

Number of Attendees: 196

Goals of GMID 2022: To celebrate the meetings industry and the many benefits it brings to our communities.


Specific Event Questions:

What is the first large in-person event you’ve attended since the pandemic? How did it feel? Yes, Ottawa Meet Week’s events were the first in-person events I had attended in two years! It felt so great to be back meeting in-person and getting a chance to reconnect with so many colleagues I hadn’t seen in so long.

Desmond Lomas
photo credit Encore Canada

Who participated to the GMID Spring into Nice? Many planners and suppliers from all over the country.

Dave Delaney
photo credit Encore Canada

What was the main objective of this keynote session? To learn the three pillars to improving employee retention and growing stellar cultures at fast-growing firms in the meeting industry. Attendees left with actionable steps to lead happier and more connected teams and can immediately apply the lessons to their work with planners and suppliers. The result of Delaney's Nice Methodology saves you the costly effort of replacing and retraining your people.

David Dugas
photo credit Encore Canada

What was your favourite moment? It’s always nice to the see the Influence Award recipient receive the award. This year it was awarded to D.E. Systems for their leadership in providing virtual solutions to their clients while they digested the shock of a global pandemic.

Room w tables
photo credit Encore Canada

What were the safety measures put in place for the event? Masks were strongly encouraged for attendees except while consuming food and beverage. Colour coded stickers were given to attendees to put on their name badge to indicate their comfort levels around people – green - if you’re up for hugs, yellow - if you’re OK with a handshake and red- if you would prefer to keep your distance.

Coutney Jones
photo credit Encore Canada

What was your biggest fear prior to attending the event? Public speaking! As the chair of this event, I was tasked with the role of emcee. Public speaking is definitely not something I enjoy. I prefer to be a planner behind the scenes! I am glad I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and tried something new. I also have to give a shout out to my fellow committee members who were my biggest cheerleaders.

What are your expectations for future events in 2022? I am hoping we can continue to host more in-person events as it was so nice to see everyone’s face (and body!) and not be just in front of my computer screen. I am looking forward to hearing what kind of education sessions MPI Ottawa members are looking for and bringing these to fruition with the help of the wonderful education committee.

Darlene Headshot Article edited by Darlene Kelly-Stewart, Stonehouse Sales & Marketing Services



EL Headshot
Elodie Lortal, CMP, DES
Catering Coordinator at National Arts Centre

📢 I am a bilingual meetings and events coordinator who helps clients and organizations to plan their events in one of our five unique meeting spaces. The National Arts Centre is an ideal Ottawa venue for virtual, hybrid, or in-person events.


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