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Coaching Corner - MPI New Year’s Resolutions


By: Gabrielle Whittaker | Jan 26, 2019

Ah New Year’s, the time of year where we reflect on the year that has passed, and look forward to the year to come. It is a time for resolutions and new beginnings. As I write this, I reflect myself on what I would like to achieve in 2019. There is no denying being in the events industry is stressful. Many studies have shown how event planners continuously rank as one of the most stressful jobs in the world. And so my fellow MPI colleagues, I invite you to join me in the following resolutions and make 2019 your best year yet.

  1. Read a business book every month – Knowledge builds up like compound interest, and the more you acquire the better you can be in business. Some of my personal favourites are Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg, Creating Magic by Lee Cockerell, Unshakeable by Tony Robbins and Onward by Howard Schultz
  2. Schedule “Me Timeevery week – Or day is even better! As I mentioned above, our industry is a stressful one. In order to avoid burnout, it is essential to take care of yourself and your mental health. Whether you relax by going for a walk, meditating, or just watching TV, be sure to make time for you.
  3. Exercise – This ties in well with resolution #2. Exercise has been shown to reduce stress. It also can help increase productivity. That’s a win-win if you ask me!
  4. Be kinder to yourself – You may not be able to control how kind other people are to you, but you can always control how kind you are to yourself. Let go of any mistakes you may have made, and focus on the present and the future.
  5. Attend more MPI events – Our chapter is so supportive and the relationships that can be built here are fantastic. Networking with other industry members can help you both professionally and personally. Volunteering with MPI is another great way to built connections and grow your professional networking.
  6. Set goals – And achieve them! Whether personal or professional, taking the time to set goals for yourself and write them down. This is the first step to building the path you want for your career, life, etc.
  7. Digital switch-off – It can be hard to resist checking that last email or answering another message. However, you owe it to yourself to be able to put the phone down and give yourself a break. If you can’t commit to doing so as soon as your workday is done, then set another goal. Perhaps 7:00 pm or 8:00 pm. Achievable, no? Nothing happens at night. Kind of. Also, no phones during dinner, take the time to be present with the people whom you are with.
  8. Learn to delegate – Event planners have a tendency to want to do it all themselves. This can lead to stress and burnout. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed. Your colleagues and industry peers are there to support you when you need it.
  9. Take a break – Who here eats lunch at their desk everyday? It’s time to stop doing that. Leave your cubicle/office and take a real lunch break, you owe it to yourself.
  10. Now keep these resolutions! – Nothing says that you have to tackleallthese resolutions. Choose the ones that most apply to you, and the ones you're most likely to stick with and make 2019 your best year yet.

If you have any questions about this article, student membership or have topics you would like to see in future “Coaching Corner” articles, please don’t hesitate to send a message to

Article written by Gabrielle Whittaker, Brookstreet Hotel 

Article edited by Rozanne Lyons, CMP, Intertask Conferences



Gabrielle Whittaker

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