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AI Basics 101: A Guide to Enhancing MPI Ottawa Events

By: Disa-marie Cameron | Jul 21, 2024

As the event landscape changes and the continued and evolving development of computer systems performing tasks humans normally do, integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into event planning and management has become a game-changer. AI can streamline processes, provide deeper insights, and enhance overall event experiences. Here are the top three ways AI is revolutionizing the meetings and events industry for MPI Ottawa members.

Enhanced Productivity and Personalization

Imagine needing to send a heated email to a vendor when the scope is changing, emotions are tense, and you need to drive results. What if that email didn’t come across as the "keyboard warrior" tone you initially intended? AI-powered tools like Grammarly and CrystalKnows refine your emails, ensuring they are professionally worded and tailored to your recipients. These tools go beyond basic spell-check, providing a humanized tone that resonates better with your audience. AI can also analyze registrant data from platforms like LinkedIn, giving planners a comprehensive understanding of attendees, and helping to create more personalized and engaging events.

Immersive and Experiential Events

AI opens up new possibilities for creating immersive and experiential events. With AI platforms, such as Wordly, you can enhance audience engagement by offering real-time translation services, live captions, and screen reader technology, making your events more accessible to a diverse audience. AI can also assist with menu planning by analyzing dietary preferences and providing cost-effective options that cater to all attendees. This not only elevates the attendee experience but also demonstrates a commitment to sustainability and inclusivity. Imagine being able to instantly create highlight videos using tools like Magisto or Rewatch, which compile every mention of a specific keyword across all sessions, providing a dynamic and engaging way to relive event moments.

Efficient Task Management and Creativity Boost

AI acts as an efficient, low-maintenance assistant, handling tasks that might otherwise take hours. For example, ChatGPT can assist in drafting social media posts and incorporating optimized messaging with relevant emojis or hashtags. This allows planners to maintain a strong online presence with minimal effort. AI can also help with note-taking during meetings, using platforms like or Notion to create accurate and comprehensive minutes. This frees up planners to focus on more strategic aspects of event management, enhancing creativity and innovation.

Integrating AI into event planning is not about replacing human roles but augmenting them. By leveraging AI, event professionals can enhance productivity, gain deeper insights, and manage tasks more efficiently, ultimately leading to more successful and engaging events.

By embracing AI, MPI Ottawa members can stay ahead of the curve, creating events that are not only efficient but also highly personalized and impactful. AI is here to complement human ingenuity, offering tools that help planners focus on what they do best, crafting unforgettable experiences.

For more insights on today’s trends in event planning, stay tuned for more articles from our Chapter News and Views online magazine.

*This article is written with AI Assistance from ChatGPT


     Article edited by: Darlene Kelly-Stewart, Stonehouse Sales & Marketing Services



Disa-marie Cameron
Account Manager at Encore Canada

Hybrid Events Professional, Account Manager, & Tech Goddess!






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