EI 2025 Call for Speakers

We're excited to welcome innovative and engaging sessions that will captivate and inspire our audience.
Submit your proposal by July 15!

Move Like MPINE!
July 1, 2024
A night of networking and a Maroon 5 concert at the MassMutual Center in Springfield, MA!
Join us!

Overall Excellence Chapter Award



MPI New England Chapter Board Job Descriptions


MPI New England Board of Directors


Term: One year or as determined by the Board of Directors and Chapter Bylaws


  • Member in good standing

  • Willing to give the time, energy, talents and enthusiasm required of the position

  • Good organizational skills 

  • Strategic project management experience 

General Responsibilities:

  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors

  • Regular attendance at MPINE monthly events and Board meetings, as well as Executive Committee meetings for Vice Presidents and Office of the President

  • Mandatory Attendance at Board retreats (conducted semi-annually)

  • Report on the strategies, successes, and challenges of committee to Board of Directors

  • Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors

  • Ongoing responsibility to recruit, retain, and develop committee volunteers to support the development  of the committee and its functions

  • Conduct transition meeting with successor and support and manage transition process by providing training to any incoming Board Member into current position to ensure success and continue growth in all functions of position

  • Perform other duties that may be delegated by the President and/or Board of Directors

Board of Directors Job Descriptions

Director of Marcom

Committee: Marcom

Reports to: VP of Marketing & Communications


Specific Responsibilities:

  • Accountable for meeting or exceeding all budgetary financial expectations set forth in annual chapter budget as it relates to Marketing & Communications

  • Meet with VP of Marketing & Communications and Committee via weekly meetings/calls

  • Manage Social Media Chair & Website Chair

  • Oversee management of all chapter content including:

    • Social Media: LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter

    • Online Publications: Website, Quarterly Newsletter, eBlasts

    • CVENT event marketing and registration

  • Maintain brand integrity ensuring all content executed in CVENT, website, eBlasts, and social media channels remains consistent with MPINE brand under MPI Global parameters

  • Assists all committees and event chairs in editing all content for all chapter events and functions for aforementioned communication channels

  • Manage overall Marcom calendar to ensure all committees are obtaining appropriate marketing materials for CVENT, website, eBlasts, and social media channels

Director of Educational Institute

Committee: EI

Reports to: VP of Educational Institute


Specific Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for meeting or exceeding all budgetary financial expectations set forth in annual chapter budget as it relates to Educational Institutes

  • Responsible for member satisfaction metrics set forth annually in the Chapter Business Plan

  • Meet with VP of EI and Committee via monthly meetings/calls

  • Organize and manage the creation and execution of annual 1.5 day Educational Institute

  • Coordinate all logistics for Educational Institute including menu selection, audio/visual needs, room setup requirements, registration, and hotel arrangements

  • Oversee and manage committee chairs in regards to speaker relations, speaker management, fee negotiations, A/V requirements, overnight accommodations and  transportation requirements

  • Oversee and manage committee chairs in regards to exhibitor and sponsor relations

  • Oversee and manage After Dark reception

  • Supervise Director to develop session tracks and create overall goal of speaker deliverables and conference theme / goal

  • Work alongside the VP of Educational Institute to develop session tracks and create overall goal of speaker deliverables and conference theme / goal

  • Work with all educational chairs to finalize program content to be used in marketing to promote event, ie: Cvent, Website, Social Media

  • Ensure Program Chairs are meeting Marcom deadlines as identified by the Marcom calendar. Immediately notify the VP of Educational Institutes of any necessary delays or changes.

Director of In-Kind Sponsorship

Committee: Finance

Reports to: VP of Finance & Administration


Specific Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for meeting or exceeding all budgetary financial expectations set forth in annual chapter budget as it relates to logistic expenses pertaining to MPI New England Events

  • Meet with VP of Finance & Administration, Director of Chapter Advancement, and Committee with monthly meetings/calls

  • Manage Chair of Sponsorship Fulfillment

  • Creation, management, and reporting of the MPI New England Chapter Event Calendar monthly to Board of Directors and Chapter Website

  • Monitor association and meetings industry partners for any calendar conflicts to maximize attendee participation

  • Develop strategic partnerships for in-kind sponsorship including annual partners, event venues, decor, entertainment, event technology, photography, etc.

  • Work with committees to develop RFP’s for event procurement needs

  • Oversee communication, execution, and fulfillment of deliverables with Chair of Sponsorship Fulfillment 

  • Ensures Committees are meeting deadlines as it relates to sponsorship and venue needs for execution of events

Director of Chapter Advancement

Committee: Finance

Reports to: VP of Finance & Administration


Specific Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for meeting or exceeding all budgetary financial expectations set forth in annual chapter budget as it relates to logistic expenses pertaining to MPI New England Events

  • Meet with VP of Finance & Administration, Director of In-Kind Sponsorship, and Committee with monthly meetings/calls

  • Train and mentor Chair of Chapter Advancement

  • Develop Chapter strategy for identifying partners and soliciting cash sponsorship

  • Monitor association and meetings industry networks including MPI Global and MPI Foundation for available grants and work with appropriate Committee coordinating application process

  • Manage and maintain MPI New England Partnership Portal online and work with Chapter Administrator for updating as needed on website

Director of Membership

Committee: Membership

Reports to: VP of Membership


Specific Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for meeting or exceeding all budgetary financial expectations set forth in annual chapter budget as it relates to Membership and Membership Events

  • Responsible for membership metrics set forth annually in the Chapter Business Plan

  • Meet with VP of Membership and Committee via monthly meetings/calls

  • Responsible for planning and execution of 2 events: (1) an event to drive new members and educate existing members about Committee functions and volunteer involvement (2) Membership outing

  • Develop and execute annual Chapter Membership Survey to solicit feedback from the Membership and share results and findings with Board of Directors

  • Support membership goals for the year, based on the strategic plan

  • Develop and maintain an active and ongoing campaign to attain membership goal

  • Follow-up with current members and those whose membership is close to expiring

  • Submit “New/Veteran Member Spotlight” to Marcom for Social Media and Newsletter

  • Manage Ambassador Program

  • Identify and manage member volunteers as co-chairs for events

Director of Education

Committee: Education

Reports to: VP of Education


Specific Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for meeting or exceeding all budgetary financial expectations set forth in annual chapter budget as it relates to Monthly Educational Programs

  • Responsible for member satisfaction metrics set forth annually in the Chapter Business Plan

  • Meet with VP Special Projects and Committee via monthly calls/meetings

  • Responsible for planning and execution of 4 educational programs, including Global Meetings Industry Day

  • Work with VP Education to develop annual education plan in accordance with chapter strategies, MPI standards, and MPI compliance requirements

  • Ensure promotion of annual education plan

  • Ensure content of educational programs is considered to be relevant to all members, not solely to planners and not solely to suppliers

  • Ensure content of educational programs is considered to achieve maximum attendance at programs/meetings

  • Oversee and manage committee chairs in regards to speaker relations, speaker management, fee negotiation, AV requirements and transportation requirements

  • Work with all educational chairs to finalize program content to be used in marketing to promote event, ie: Cvent, Website, Social Media

  • Ensure Program Chairs are meeting Marcom deadlines as identified by the Marcom calendar. Immediately notify VP of Education of any necessary delays or changes

Director of Special Projects

Committee: Special Projects

Reports to: VP of Special Projects


Specific Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for meeting or exceeding all budgetary financial expectations set forth in annual chapter budget as it relates to Special Projects and Events

  • Responsible for planning and execution of Summer Outing, Holiday Party, Spring Event, and June Annual Awards & Board Induction events

  • Meet with VP Special Projects and Committee via monthly calls/meetings

  • Works with committee members on their own succession planning to promote growth from our volunteer members 

  • Monitor association and meetings industry trends to discover best practices in special events by other organizations

  • Manages all specialty vendor relationships and obtains in-kind contributions; liaises with Director of In-Kind Sponsorship prior to contract process

  • Liaise with MarCom team to ensure all CSR initiatives are publicized and marketed

Executive Committee Job Descriptions

Vice President Marketing & Communications

Committee: Marcom

Reports to: President


Specific Responsibilities:


  • Responsible for meeting or exceeding all budgetary financial expectations set forth in annual chapter budget as it relates to Marketing & Communications
  • Manages Director of Marcom and Committee via weekly meetings/calls
  • Work closely with Finance Committee on sponsored eBlasts and online ads
  • Oversee management of all chapter content including:
    • Social Media: LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
    • Online Publications: Website, Quarterly Newsletter, eBlasts
    • CVENT event marketing and registration
  • Develop Chapter brand awareness and content strategy, ensuring all content executed in aforementioned areas remains consistent with MPINE brand under MPI Global parameters
  • Ensure chapter programs, activities and accomplishments are highlighted on an international level by communicating with MPI Public Relations and Marketing Departments
  • Communicate strategic issues relating to communications/technology to Board of Directors
  • Research current communications/technology trends and topics pertinent to the meetings industry and report findings to Board of Directors
  • Proactively engage with all Committees in the pre-marketing plan for upcoming events to ensure maximum promotional time and increase attendance
  • Manage overall Marcom calendar to ensure all committees are obtaining appropriate marketing materials for CVENT, website, eBlasts, and social media channels
  • Assumes responsibility for delivery of Educational Institute Board Report to Chapter Administrator

Vice President of Educational Institute

Committee: EI

Reports to: President


Specific Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for meeting or exceeding all budgetary financial expectations set forth in annual chapter budget as it relates to Educational Institutes
  • Responsible for member satisfaction metrics set forth annually in the Chapter Business Plan
  • Manages Director of EI and Committee via monthly meetings/calls
  • Organize and manage the creation and execution of annual 1.5 day Educational Institute
  • In conjunction with VP Education, cross reference all educational content development for EI with monthly programs with the intent to streamline education offered by the chapter and prevent duplication
  • Ensure sessions follow EIC guidelines in attaining CE credits
  • Coordinate all logistics for Educational Institute including menu selection, audiovisual needs, room setup requirements, registration, and hotel arrangements
  • Oversee and manage committee chairs in regards to speaker relations, speaker management, fee negotiations, A/V requirements, overnight accommodations and  transportation requirements
  • Oversee and manage committee chairs in regards to exhibitor and sponsor relations
  • Oversee and manage After Dark reception
  • Supervise Director to develop session tracks and create overall goal of speaker deliverables and conference theme / goal
  • Work with all sponsors and exhibitors to finalize content to be used in marketing to promote event, ie: Cvent, Website, Social Media
  • Work with Director of In-Kind Sponsorship in securing venue for EI
  • Liaise with Marcom committee to promote and market EI and all its initiatives
  • Assumes responsibility for delivery of Educational Institute Board Report to Chapter Administrator

Vice President of Finance & Administration

Committee: Finance

Reports to: President


Specific Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for meeting or exceeding all budgetary financial expectations set forth in annual budget
  • Manages Director of In-Kind Sponsorship, Director of Chapter Advancement, and Committee via monthly meetings/calls
  • Manage and supervise financial efforts, including:
    • (1) Fundraising - annual auction, monthly raffles
    • (2) Strategic Alliances - sponsorships, partnership marketing
    • (3) Investments & Reserves - CDs, mutual funds, prudent reserve
  • Maintain proper accounting procedure for the receipt and handling of funds, maintenance of financial records, and paying all authorized invoices
  • Ensure safekeeping of funds in such banks, trust companies, and/or investments as approved by the Board
  • Prepare annual operating budget and ensure compliance
  • Ensure chapter is incorporated according to minimum bylaws
  • Comply with all governmental tax regulations and file tax reports as required
  • Ensure chapter complies with MPI bonding requirements
  • Present up-to-date financial statements at each Board meeting
  • Supervises Director of In-Kind Sponsorship with updates and edits of MPINE Partner Portal and works with Chapter Administrator for updating as needed for website
  • Supervises Director of Chapter Advancement in maintaining up-to-date information on Chapter Grants available through MPI/HQ and assists in the coordination of the application process with the corresponding VP
  • Oversight of all Chapter areas of in-kind and revenue opportunity: venues, annual partnerships, auction, etc.
  • Liaise with Marcom committee to promote and market all initiatives
  • Assumes responsibility for delivery of Finance Board Report to Chapter Administrator

Vice President of Membership

Committee: Membership

Reports to: President


Specific Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for meeting or exceeding all budgetary financial expectations set forth in annual chapter budget as it relates to Membership and Membership Events
  • Responsible for Membership Metrics set forth annually in the Chapter Business Plan
  • Manages Director of Membership and Committee via monthly meetings/calls
  • Responsible for planning and execution of 2 events:
    • (1) an event to drive new members and educate existing members about Committee functions and volunteer involvement
    • (2) Membership outing
  • Develop and execute annual Chapter Membership Survey to solicit feedback from the Membership and share results and findings with Board of Directors
  • Take active role in ensuring required responses to Annual Membership survey from MPI Global
  • Maintain and oversee Chapter's Membership strategy for recruitment, retention, and member care, including Membership 101 Program
  • Support and execute ongoing MPI Global membership campaigns
  • Communicate strategic issues relating to membership to Board of Directors
  • Research current membership trends and topics pertinent to the meetings industry and report findings to Board of Directors
  • Approve all bills of the committees within the Membership category and forward appropriate paperwork to the VP of Finance
  • Strategize with Marcom to increase awareness about MPI Global membership initiatives
  • Liaise with Marcom committee to promote and market all events and initiatives
  • Work with Director of In-Kind Sponsorship in securing venues for events
  • Utilizes MPI membership reports to present a “state of the membership” report at each Board meeting to include:  Chapter Retention Numbers, Recruitment Numbers and Supplier / Planner ratio
  • Assumes responsibility for delivery of Membership Board Report to Chapter Administrator

Vice President of Education

Committee: Education

Reports to: President


Specific Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for managing budget and meeting or exceeding all budgetary financial expectations set forth in annual chapter budget as it relates to Monthly Education Programs
  • Responsible for member satisfaction metrics set forth annually in the Chapter Business Plan
  • Manages Director of Education and Committee via monthly meetings/calls
  • Responsible for membership metrics set forth annually in the Chapter Business Plan for Monthly Educational Program
  • Oversee development of annual education plan in accordance with chapter strategies and MPI standards
  • Ensure educational programs follow EIC guidelines in attaining CE credits
  • Manage Chapter’s strategy for CMP offerings for the Membership
  • Maintains up-to-date information about chapter grants available through MPI HQ, and takes the lead in the coordination of the application process with Director of Chapter Advancement
  • Ensure content of educational programs is considered to be relevant to all members and to achieve maximum attendance
  • Research current education trends and topics pertinent to the meetings industry
  • Continually review feedback from events and annual survey to ensure committee is meeting the needs and expectations of the membership
  • Work with Director of In-Kind Sponsorship in securing venues for events
  • Liaise with Marcom committee to promote and market all events and initiatives
  • Work with appropriate committee to develop and/or manage strategic alliance programs internally and externally of our Chapter and report back with recommendations
  • Assumes responsibility for delivery of Education Board Report to Chapter Administrator

Vice President of Special Projects

Committee: Special Projects

Reports to: President

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for meeting or exceeding all budgetary financial expectations set forth in annual chapter budget as it relates to Special Projects and Events
  • Manages Director of Special Projects and Committee via monthly meetings/calls
  • Responsible for planning and execution of Summer Outing, Holiday Party, Spring Event, and June Annual Awards & Board Induction events
  • Defines strategy to develop, implement, and manage chapter networking events, CSR, and fundraising
  • Work with Director of In-Kind Sponsorship in securing venues for Special events
  • Liaise with Marcom committee to promote and market all events and initiatives
  • Works with President in managing new project initiatives
  • Continually review feedback from events and annual survey to ensure committee is meeting the needs and expectations of the membership
  • Develop strategies to identify new areas for events that will build membership attendance, increase cash revenue and in-kind support for the chapter through special events or any additional projects from Board of Directors
  • Assumes responsibility for delivery of Special Projects Board Report to Chapter Administrator


Committee: Office of the President

Reports to: President

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for meeting or exceeding all budgetary financial expectations set forth in annual chapter budget 
  • Serve as direct support to Chapter President
  • In the absence of the President, perform duties of the President with the powers of and subject to all the restrictions upon the President
  • Keep knowledgeable about chapter activities in order to take over for or represent the President
  • Maintain and develop Diversity Equity & Inclusion Committee and foster initiatives
  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors Executive Committee and Budget and Finance Committee 
  • Serve as a voting member of Nominations Committee to develop a slate of qualified board members for following year
  • Serve as liaison to Educational Institute Committee for annual summit
  • Serve as liaison to Education Committee for Global Meetings Industry Day event
  • Provide for mentoring and volunteer placement of members and students; serve as Human Resources function of the Board of Directors
  • Ensure Chapter adherence to Chapter Bylaws, Policies and Procedures
  • Communicate strategic issues relating to professional development to Board of Directors
  • Update job descriptions for Board of Directors as necessary 
  • Oversee updating of committee job descriptions by their respective VPs and Directors
  • Ensure promotion of leadership development 
  • Oversee Skills/Strengths Assessment and any other tool utilized to promote Board of Directors development and Succession planning

Immediate Past President

Committee: Office of the President

Reports to: President

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for meeting or exceeding all budgetary financial expectations set forth in annual chapter budget as it relates to this position
  • Act as support/mentor to President
  • Chair the Nominating Committee, ensuring compliance with bylaws and policy, providing an open nominations & elections process, and ensuring compliance with MPI elections calendar requirements
  • Chair Chapter Awards Nominations process and manage committee to select award winners and obtain prizes / trophies to winners
  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors’ Executive Committee and Budget and Finance Committee Responsible for yearly overview and updating of Chapter Bylaws and Policy Manual
  • Submit to President, agenda items for Board of Director meetings in advance of the meeting


Committee: Office of the President

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for meeting or exceeding all budgetary financial expectations set forth in annual chapter budget
  • Directly responsible for communicating with and supervising the chapter officers and directors to ensure that all assignments are completed according to the strategic plan, the chapter is financially sound, and membership is advised of all progress
  • Serve as chair of all meetings of both the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, serve as a member of the Budget and Finance Committee
  • Chair Chapter's Past Presidents Council to provide for continued involvement of past presidents to support the strategic plan of the chapter
  • Ensure development and facilitation of a long term strategic plan
  • Appoint all members of standing and special committees and relieve any inactive committee members with approval of the Board
  • Ensures all VPs & Board of Directors’ adherence to Business Plan
  • Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the Board
  • Prepare consent agenda for each board meeting and distribute prior to meeting
  • Prepare agenda and preside at chapter annual business meeting
  • Serve as an ex-officio member on all committees except the Nominating Committee
  • Vote on issues brought before the Board only in the event of a tie
  • Act as official spokesperson of the chapter
  • Conduct annual Board Orientation and mid-year Board Retreat
  • Prepare the Annual Report reviewing chapter activities and finances within 90 days of the end of the fiscal year and present to membership and MPI headquarters
  • Act as support/mentor to President-Elect
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  • Submit budget needs for the following fiscal year
  • Oversee performance of Chapter Administrator, including monthly meetings and a yearly performance review
  • Serve as liaison between the chapter and MPI Headquarters
  • Ensure Chapter compliance with MPI Headquarters
  • Serve as a member of the Council of Chapter Presidents or appoint a designee
  • Performs any other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors

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