Overall Excellence Chapter Award



MPI Houston Area Committees

Get Involved!

Below is a complete listing and description of each chapter committee within MPI-HAC.

These committees provide the foundation for our operation and success.  Match your skills sets to the committee descriptions and then GET INVOLVED by contacting the appropriate committee chair. 


Professional Development

Reports to VP of Education, Lana O'Neil

The education committee is the backbone of our chapter and is charged with the responsibility of educational integration.  They provide programming that brings membership, education and networking together throughout the year.  This encompasses research of educational topics, speakers and facilitators, development of educational presentations, and assistance in educating chapter members on industry changes and trends. If you are more interested in the logistics side of our industry, this committee offers the opportunity to plan the program, work with venues and access the success of each educational presentation through meaningful surveys.


Volunteer Opportunities l Leadership Development

Reports to VP of Leadership Development, Jill Rasco, DES, CITP

This committee assists members to recognize their leadership skill set, apply them with "learning by doing" and enables them to stay active leaders within the Chapter while gaining extraordinary benefits from their participation.  Should a member decide to become a Chapter Leader, this committee can help determine the best fit when volunteering for one of the dynamic committees or assisting in developing an individual's skills. 

Joining this committee will provide an opportunity to achieve professional goals through demonstrating leadership skills within MPI.

Website l Newsletter l Social Media l Chapter Communications

Reports to VP of Communications, Liz Cavazos

Enjoy communications, marketing, advertising, newsletter development, website development, and media relations? This committee is responsible for ensuring the Houston Area Chapter is poised for success by promoting the chapter’s events, compiling quality newsletters that outline MPI’s contribution to its members, and offering a dynamic and informational website while managing its contents and design.  By joining the communications committee you can assist the team in creating chapter awareness and broaden your skills in the multifaceted world of communications.

Recruitment l Member Care

Reports to VP of Membership, Melissa Mares

Spread the excitement of MPI-HAC! The recruitment committee is seeking many good men and women with goals of being part of a rewarding meeting planning/hospitality organization. Join this committee, meet many new industry contacts, and learn and grow exponentially as a contributing member. The committee offers varying levels of time commitment to fit your schedule and is charged with the responsibility of growing our chapter by the wonderful benefits of membership to potential new members.

Member retention is one of the most important elements to a successful organization. The Houston Area Chapter of MPI believes in making sure our new members feel welcome and immediately networked into the chapter as well as ensuring our existing members have the ability to maximize their return on investment in MPI-HAC. This committee offers a lot of areas for involvement that include retention efforts by phone and e-mail.  Be an active provider of spirit for your membership and join this committee today.

Event Registration

Reports to VP of Finance, Josie Lewis, CMP, CHIA

This committee serves the chapter in administrative functions such as on-site registration. At every monthly chapter luncheon the committee volunteers greet members as they arrive, receive funds and offer a warm welcome to our chapter events.  They are also charged with distributing program information. Be a part of a committee that provides the “face” of our chapter, there is no better way to meet more contacts.

Event Planning l Vendor Relations

Reports to VP of Finance, Josie Lewis, CMP, CHIA

No thriving organization survives without fund raising events and MPI-HAC is no exception to the rule. The committee handles all planning details as well as event logistics and full execution for our two annual Special Events – the Taste of Houston in September and A Night Among the Stars in May. The Taste of Houston event spotlights local catering companies and restaurants and allows for prime networking amongst the attendees. A Night Among the Stars celebrates a culmination of the year with member awards and a special presentation to the year’s industry honoree. This committee is comprised of members who love to interact, plan, get creative, be hands on, and so much more.

Sponsorship l Strategic Partners

Reports to Director of Sponsorship, Ellen Ramsey

The Strategic Alliance Committee supports the chapter's strategic plan by identifying and integrating business opportunities, through program and event sponsorships that provide maximum return on all investments.  Our sponsors benefit from brand exposure, direct contact and delivery of message to all our chapter members.  We stand ready and eager to continue to support the power of sponsorships with our industry partners. If you are creative and enjoy building strategic partnerships, this is a committee just for you.

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