
How meetings help create connectedness, combat loneliness

In our increasingly digital world, where loneliness and a sense of disconnectedness are prevalent for many people, live events such as business conferences and trade association meetings are becoming more important than ever for human connection and belonging.

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Incorporating nature into your event allows attendees to become more immersed in the experience.
From the importance of knowing your baseline to using the right tools to understanding food waste, meetings sustainability experts weigh in on the state of measurement.
“We combine the secrets of the greatest rockstar performers, simple neuroscience techniques, unique kinetic interaction, live musical performance and an exclusive multimedia experience.”

Although engaging attendees is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to enhance the quality of a meeting, there is still a lot of resistance, according to Bo Krüger, meeting designer, facilitator, trainer and speaker and owner of Moving Minds.
Pamela Schuller talks openly on stage about her severe case of Tourette Syndrome and how for many years she hated feeling different. One reason, she says, is that the messaging the world sends about disability isn’t always kind or positive.
Özlem Cekic is a bridgebuilder who doesn’t wear a hardhat or weld rivets into steel. Cekic’s tools are coffee and conversation. The traffic on her bridges is between people.
I believe that in 2024, we are all “leaders” in some way or another.
Saying “no” appropriately does not indicate a lack of professionalism, according to Karolina Bednarz.