
How to Provide a Ramp and Stage for Speakers

Meeting professionals are responsible to arrange for a stage and a ramp or a vertical platform lift to the stage when they are needed for meeting and event speakers.

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Quienes forman parte de la Industria de Reuniones son expertos resolviendo problemas en los eventos, y además lo tienen que hacer de manera muy rápida y efectiva. Llegó la hora de ofrecer voluntariamente nuestra ayuda a la sociedad y a nuestros gobiernos.
Those who are part of the meeting industry are experts at solving problems in very short time periods for specific events. We are also creative. It’s time to volunteer our help to society and our governments.
The COVID-19 global health crisis has forced businesses to pivot faster than ever, especially in the hospitality and event industries.

As a new decade begins, taking stock of what’s working and what isn’t helps organizations and people rethink and refine how they approach business and life.
In the fourth installment of our "The Year of Sustainability" series, thought leader Carina Bauer tackles the UN Sustainable Development Goal, Sustainable Consumption & Production.
In an industry that relies on face-to-face interactions, our love-hate relationship with technology can mitigate the negative effects of social distancing and other stresses related to the current coronavirus pandemic.
Embracing creativity and collaboration through event partnerships to create game changing events.
So once we know the values of meeting/event participants, we know how to give them more of what they want.
The collective comfort zone of masculine business and leadership models is not only exhausting, but exacerbating the already bumpy path toward gender equality and positive social change.