The short answer – it depends! Check out this quick article to learn more:
The FY2025 Dashboards have been updated to track the Anti-Human Trafficking (AHT) Awareness activity. Just like an Education or Networking event, the AHT Awareness activity should be tracked on the Chapter/Club’s dashboard for the month that it occurred. In addition, an administrator’s note should be included with the description of the activity (for example, “During the month of August, fliers were included on all attendee chairs.”).
The Dashboard Update spreadsheet has been updated as well. The spreadsheet is located on the CLRP > Chapter Administrator > Documents. If your Chapter/Club held an AHT Awareness completed an activity before the Dashboard update was done, please send the Dashboard Update spreadsheet to your Regional Operations Manager.
Be sure to check out the posts in this newsletter from the AHT Committee on content ideas and from the MPI Foundation on Chapter grants!
Each FY2025 Chapter Board of Director now has access to engage with other Volunteer Chapter Leaders in similar roles across the MPI Chapter and Club network. You can now ask other VP’s or Directors questions or seek advice from your colleagues serving in a similar department at any MPI Chapter or Club worldwide. Access is granted based on your role on your Chapter Board.
Visit the MPI Communities Forum to join your Volunteer Chapter Leader Department community.
• Chapter Administrators
• Chapter Leaders: Education
• Chapter Leaders: Finance & Strategic Alliances
• Chapter Leaders: Marketing & Communication
• Chapter Leaders: Membership
• Chapter Leaders: Office of the President
FY2025 Chapter Presidents will be invited to attend the President's Dinner at WEC St. Louis on Thursday, June 19, with a complimentary ticket. Be on the lookout for a special invite which will be sent as we get closer to the event. Should any other Chapter members want to purchase a ticket to attend, more details can be found here. The complimentary tickets for Chapter Presidents are non-transferable.
Tune in to the MPI GMID broadcast on April 3 to learn who the 2025 RISE Award Finalists are and to recognize Chapters and members for their achievements. Recipients will be announced at WEC St. Louis.
Promotional assets for Global Meetings Industry Day 2025 are now available via the CLRP > Monthly Toolkits > GMID25 Chapter Toolkit. This is to help promote GMID 2025 for your Chapter/Club.
The document that explains how to calculate Net Member Growth and Retention has been updated. It can be found on the CLRP > Membership > Membership Team Roles and Responsibilities.
New MPI members, be sure to register for this 45-minute webinar! You’ll learn all about the benefits available to you, and how to utilize them to accomplish your unique goals.
All sessions take place on Zoom at 10:00am-10:45am, CST.
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 REGISTER
Thursday, April 17, 2025 REGISTER
Friday, May 23, 2025 REGISTER
MPI will offer an exclusive membership promotion on April 3, 2025, to celebrate Global Meetings Industry Day (GMID). This is an amazing opportunity to bring in new members at an exceptional price!
Please plan to share this exciting offer on all Chapter channels. To help you with this, a toolkit (including all the digital files and FAQ) will be available on the Chapter Leader Resource Page no later than March 27. You will find it under Chapter Toolkits > Monthly Toolkits.
MPI Lifetime Membership applications are due by March 31, 2025, to be considered for the current year.
Lifetime Membership is awarded to no more than five MPI members each year who have contributed significantly to the industry. This award allows for permanent complimentary membership, so the recipients stay connected and receive continuous benefits with MPI. Key details to remember: members must meet specific criteria and submit an application to be considered for a Lifetime Membership.
Find the complete criteria and the required application here:
The FY2023-2024 metric incentive claim forms for eligible Chapters are due to MPI no later than April 30, 2025. The FY2025 Board of Directors should approve the use of their Chapter’s metric incentive points and complete/submit the form to their respective Regional Operations Manager.
The MPI Exchange is currently accepting Hosted Buyer applications for MPI’s signature World Education Congress (WEC) in St. Louis. Applications can be found here: WEC Hosted Buyer Application
The deadline to apply is March 21, 2025! Don’t delay and APPLY TODAY!!!
Please be aware that all Chapters are required to include an Anti-Human Trafficking Awareness activity in annual programming. You are encouraged to present a NEW initiative to raise awareness of or amplify the message of (anti) human trafficking in our industry. This could be done through a flyer on attendees’ chairs, a 30–60-minute Zoom or in-person event with a qualified presenter, to a poetry jam (thank you, Texas Hill Country Chapter!). Creativity is encouraged; you are not able to repeat the same material or activity two years in a row. The AHT Committee Ambassadors are HERE to HELP with your questions or if you need assistance. Please contact Ambassador Liaison / committee vice-chair Jill Rasco to get started:
To support our Chapters/Clubs and EDI initiatives, we are rolling out the EDI Regional Ambassadors.
What is an EDI Regional Ambassador?
As an extension of MPI’s EDI Committee, EDI Regional Ambassadors play a pivotal role in supporting MPI Chapters/Clubs’ Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) goals by fostering collaboration with Regional Councils and MPI, including IBOD/GBOT Leadership. They champion EDI initiatives, offer support, create content, and facilitate the dissemination of resources.
What are the EDI Regional Ambassador goals?
Why This Training Matters
As event professionals, we don’t just create experiences—we shape environments where people feel seen, valued, and heard. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) isn’t just a trend—it’s a business imperative, a driver of innovation, and a commitment to our industry’s future.
Over the past two years, we have built a self-paced training to equip MPI Volunteer Chapter Leaders with the tools and understanding needed to create truly inclusive event experiences. This training isn’t just about education—it’s about action. It’s about recognizing the barriers that exist and committing to dismantling them so our industry can be a place where all professionals and attendees feel like they belong.
What’s in the Training?
This three-module course provides a practical, real-world direction on integrating inclusive best practices into the event industry:
• Understanding the Why – Why Equity Diversity & Inclusion isn’t just a moral obligation, but a strategic advantage in delivering meaningful event experiences.
• The Tools to Take Action – Access to resources, frameworks, and strategies that make Equity Diversity & Inclusion implementation more than just a checklist - but a mindset shift.
• Sustaining and Advancing Efforts – How to move beyond “one-and-done” diversity initiatives and embed inclusive practices into leadership, sales, and event design for long-term impact.
Who Needs to Take This Training?
Equity Diversity & Inclusion isn’t about making spaces “welcoming” - it’s about ensuring that no one ever has to question whether they belong. That responsibility starts at the top.
This training is mandatory for all MPI Volunteer Chapter Leaders, board members, and the International Board of Directors. Why? Because leadership isn’t about maintaining the status quo - it’s about setting the standard for what comes next.
Our Equity Diversity & Inclusion committee chairs have seen firsthand how intentional, inclusive event design can create transformative experiences. Whether it’s ensuring that event promotion reaches neurodiverse individuals, elevating diverse speaker lineups, or making hybrid options more accessible, our industry has the power to be a catalyst for change - but only if we commit to it.
When Will This Be Available?
The training is in its final stages, with a launch planned for early Spring. When it’s released, please keep an open mind and engage with it fully. This is more than training - it’s an opportunity to lead with impact.
We don’t just plan events. We build communities. We create experiences that shape how people connect, engage, and feel valued.
While the Events Industry Council (EIC) is a company independent of MPI, our interests align when it comes to the CMP Exam (which is owned and administered by the EIC) and education initiatives in our industry. The EIC recently unveiled an update to the CMP International Standards (CMP-IS). Why does that matter? It’s simple – the CMP-IS is the blueprint to the CMP exam. It includes domains with subjects that are included in the exam content. Your members that are or aspire to become a CMP are interested in education that is derived from the CMP-IS so they can claim education credit hours. If you are planning education content for your Chapter, review the CMP-IS and ensure the session’s learning objectives are related to one of the 12 domains. Be sure to include the learning objectives and identify the domain in the session descriptions for registration.
You can find information on the CMP-IS update here:
1. CMP-IS Update Announcement –
2. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Document –
If you have any questions regarding the updates, please reach out to the EIC directly at
GMID is coming up on April 3, 2025! You can join us for any or all pre-sessions this year which started on March 6. Hear from our Chapters and members both locally and globally. You won’t want to miss all the education and connection heading your way. Register today and join us on “The Road to GMID: Connecting our Industry!”
This year's WEC Chapter Challenge has an exciting new twist with more chances to win. Learn more about the 2025 WEC Chapter Challenge here! The toolkit will be available soon via the CLRP > Chapter Toolkits > Monthly Toolkits.
April 24 All Hands Call Chapter Awards
Join your fellow Volunteer Chapter Leaders as we recognize our FY2023-2024 Chapter Merit Award Winners! Come see if your Chapter will be recognized as a Chapter of Excellence, Top Performing Chapter, or Chapter of Merit based on your FY2023-2024 performance. Register in advance and invite your entire Board.
April 24, 2025, at 10:00am CST - Register here
May 8 Solution Rooms Virtual Meetup
MPI Solution Rooms foster active, meaningful connections between attendees, and provide peer-to-peer support and solutions to the challenges Volunteer Chapter Leaders are current facing.
This month Solution Rooms will be available for the following departments: Office of the President, Marketing & Communications, Finance & Sponsorship, Education, Chapter Administrators, and Membership.
May 8, 2025, at 10:00am CST – Register here
WEC 2025 St. Louis Volunteer Chapter Leader Discount Registration
All FY2025 IBOD, GBOT, Volunteer Chapter Leaders, Chapter Administrators, and Regional Council members are eligible for discounted registration. You must be a member in good standing at the time of registration.
WEC 2025 St. Louis Discounted Rates:
• Planner Member = $729
• Supplier Member = $1,129
Use this link to access the leader discount: Register Online Today!
Receptions and Meet-ups at WEC St. Louis
Need assistance selecting a location for your Chapter/Club reception or meet-up during WEC in St. Louis.? If you are planning to schedule Chapter/Club meet-ups/receptions/etc., please do so on Thursday, June 19, between 5:30pm and 7:00pm.
Please contact Darian Jenkins with Explore St. Louis at or 314-992-0621.
Sitefinity Training
Training will be held for Chapter/Club website administrators or anyone who is making updates to the Chapter/Club website. Learn tips to be more efficient, tactics to help engage your audience, and best practices to save you time. Plus, a Q&A with MPI's IT team so bring any issues you need assistance with.
June 26,2025, at 10:00am CST - Register here
Chapter Leadership Summit 2025 - Save the Date
All FY2026 Chapter Leaders will be invited to attend the virtual Chapter Leadership Summit taking place Thursday, September 11, 2025. Please mark your calendars now and include this date in your Nomination Process to ensure new Board members attend this important training session. Complete details will be shared as they are finalized in the Chapter Leader Newsletter.
Scholarships are offered for a variety of programs and Chapter Grants remain available to help you achieve your program goals for Chapter members. What an honor to apply and receive a scholarship to pursue a personal goal or to boost a Chapter experience.
Please note all Scholarship options can be found using this link:
• Natural Disaster & Hardship Membership Support - ongoing
• KPMG Emerging Leaders Student Tuition Scholarships
• Visit Atlantic City Student & Planner Memberships
• Discover Puerto Rico – Certificate Course Scholarships
• Visit Tampa Bay HMCC Scholarships
WEC Registration Scholarships
Looking for inspiration on why we do what we do? Check out the recipient testimonials on how they benefited from their scholarships. Truly inspiring.
Check out the options for Chapter grants. How can we help with your programming success?
Cvent Grant Applications are open. Grants of up to $500 (USD) are available for Chapter-based initiatives for education or other purposes to support your 2025 programming and benefits for your Chapter members. NOTE - If you are still interested in support for AHT education, please make your request via the Cvent Grant Application.
PLAN AHEAD - Did you know we are happy to participate in your Board Meetings or Leadership Retreats or Chapter/Club Events?
If you, your board or Chapter/Club members are interested in finding out more about the MPI Foundation, how our programs work, how we allocate funds, the extent of our commitments and options for giving – let me know. We are volunteers, just like you; we have Executive Committee Members and Board Trustees from Chapters/Clubs across the globe, we truly believe in the International impact of the MPI Foundation. Be it a virtual presentation or perhaps in person, we want you to know we are here for you.
Check out the roster of our amazing GBOT Team.
Schedule of What’s Next:
April 1, 2025 – Our preferred deadline to receive your annual Chapter/Club Pledge Letter. Simply update the letter you received, sign it and send it back to me and include Kevin Kirby, Executive Director of the MPI Foundation.,
Chapter Champion Applications: if you are really proud of your 2024 fundraising efforts and results, we have an AWARD for that called “Chapter Champion”. This award is presented during WEC - Details on application process coming soon.