If you are a professional employed by a destination marketing organization (DMO) or convention and visitors bureau (CVB), we invite you to apply for a registration scholarship to WEC St. Louis! Apply by April 13th.
Seattle, ranked the #1 city for women entrepreneurs in 2023 and in the top ten for cities with the highest share of women-owned businesses, offers scholarships through Visit Seattle and MPI Foundation! In Seattle, when women thrive, the city thrives. Planners who are women are invited to apply by April 13th.
Planners located in the United States are invited to apply for registration scholarships to WEC St. Louis! Apply by April 13th.
Members of MPI may apply for WEC St. Louis scholarships. Learn more by visiting the application. Apply by April 13th.
Planners from the Northeast and Midwest, as well as students from any location, are invited to apply for new and renewing membership scholarships! Apply by March 31st.
The MPI Foundation, in partnership with MPI, will be helping to cover costs related to membership dues, professional development, or participation in events, ensuring that our members can continue to engage with the MPI community even during difficult times.
With thanks to Discover Puerto Rico, planners located near the MPI Carolinas Chapter, Southern California Chapter, Northern California Chapter, Greater New York Chapter and New England Chapter areas are eligible for Inclusive Event Strategist, Women in Leadership, and Event Leadership Strategist Certificate Course Scholarships.
Planners are eligible for HMCC Scholarships that cover the entire cost of their HMCC certificate, thanks to Visit Tampa Bay! Scholarships are available for HMCC Courses through the month of August, or until all scholarships are awarded, whichever is sooner.