

MPI leaders convene in person for San Francisco strategic planning sessions


From September 28-30, the MPI International Board of Directors (IBOD) and Global Board of Trustees (GBOT) reconvened in-person, meeting in San Francisco, the site of WEC in 2022, at the Fairmont Hotel to conduct strategic planning sessions. The objective of the sessions was to review existing transformative changes and progress made, along with confirming a focus on MPI’s mission and future organizational goals and objectives.

This marked the first time the MPI Executive team, IBOD and GBOT held their annual strategic planning session together and in-person since prior to the pandemic. All attendees were required to provide proof of vaccination and a daily health screening, each facilitated by CLEAR. In addition, masks were required for indoors meetings.

“We are unbelievably proud and privileged to have this incredible level of talent on our international boards starting with our current chairs, Stephen Revetria and Todd Marinko and incoming chairs, Bonnie Carlson and Gary Schirmacher,” said Paul Van Deventer, president and CEO of MPI. “Our volunteer network is the backbone of MPI; the IBOD and GBOT leaders have been critical for our sustainability and demonstrative in our ability to serve and lead this remarkable industry in its time of recovery to prominence.”

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