2025 Chapter Program and Event Calendar!

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January Program - Intentional Event Design
January 23, 2025
Amazing Program and The Lion King in Appleton!
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Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Membership Benefits & Member Care


Valuable connections to the right people, resources, and professional opportunities

  • Fostering professional development to advance member's careers 
  • Influencing the development of the professional meetings and events management industry
  • Increasing business opportunities in the marketplace of buyers and suppliers

Join MPI and increase your value through strategic resources for career and leadership development, networking and educational conferences  ... regionally, nationally, and internationally.

Information & Benefits

Membership in MPI will entitle you to member values including:

  • Networking opportunities
  • Professional Development and Education
  • Unlimited use of MPI – Wisconsin Membership Directory
  • Early access to industry research and trends
  • Earn professional experience needed for Certified Meeting Professional certification
  • Advertising discounts in Chapter newsletter and website

Wisconsin Community

Join MPI Wisconsin chapter, and maximize your investment by getting involved. The value you receive is directly related to your level of involvement including:

Leadership opportunities - Ensure a lifetime of enriched personal and professional development opportunities by getting involved as a board member, team lead, or volunteer on a committee.

WI Chapter events and communications - You can stay in the know about what is happening with colleagues through chapter events and communications. Besides monthly education and networking programs, your chapter will keep you informed with regular e-mails, the AGENDA newsletter, Web sites and more.

Educational opportunities - The Wisconsin chapter provides excellent education for all experience levels and all our education is eligible for Events Industry Council credit toward your CMP certification or re-certification. In April the chapter produces a full-day educational conference with multiple keynotes, breakouts and display opportunities for partners and sponsors.

Professional recognition - MPI recognizes superior contributions to the association and industry through outstanding events, chapters and individual accomplishments. Take the opportunity to be recognized for your achievements or to work with others to make Wisconsin chapter an award winner.

Member Care

MPI Wisconsin Chapter’s Member Care program was designed to give MPI members the opportunity to be involved with the chapter; foster professional growth; and, networking & mentoring opportunities.

The program identifies the needs of each member and ensuring their satisfaction with the Chapter including:


Once a member has joined, the MPI - Member Care office in Dallas will send a New Member welcome letter and kit.  Included is general information about the International organization and the membership identification number.

Next, the member can expect to receive a welcome call from a representative of the Wisconsin Chapter membership team who can answer any questions you may have about your new membership.
Before select monthly education events, MPI-WI offers a complimentary info session for members. New members come to learn about the many opportunities available in the chapter, and veteran members come to share experiences or reinvigorate your membership! Attending this session will really help you get the most out of your membership. Learn about what benefits are available to you, how you can volunteer and get involved, and have the chance to meet other members. 
Every member brings to the Chapter a different base of experience, both professionally and personally.  The chapter’s buddy system was implemented to create a vehicle for new members to connect with experienced chapter members.  Some members find this valuable to pair up with another planner who can guide them through the CMP certificate program.  Other members connect to better understand current trends in the local/regional markets.  Since MPI Wisconsin is a state-wide organization, it is not uncommon for Buddies to ride-share to educational events and sitting together at chapter functions.
It is important that new members learn as much as possible about the organization that they have joined in order to encourage involvement.  Each term, MPI WI chapter holds a formal orientation program for new members to meet chapter leaders and their newly assigned buddies.  This face-to-face orientation is a great way for people to find commonalities in both professional and personal lives.
MPI – WI Chapter’s Red Carpet team is made of chapter members who have a history of involvement with the chapter..  Several of them are former Board of Directors and have volunteered on numerous committees.  Each meeting, the Red Carpet team stands near the registration table to greet guests & new members and help members with questions.  We are fortunate to have this wealth of experience ready to members feel welcome.
Each Spring, MPI-WI holds a volunteer recruitment activity at a monthly educational event. Members gather to learn about the many volunteer opportunities within the chapter and have the opportunity to sign up to participate in various areas of the chapter including Membership, Communications, Monthly Events and more!
Every year, members receive a member survey from both MPI – International and MPI WI Chapter.  The purpose is to provide opportunities for members to provide their input on their level of satisfaction with both the international and state organizations.  Once the surveys are compiled MPI WI chapter Board of Directors reviews the accumulated responses as a way of developing guidelines and policies for the upcoming year.

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