2024 End-of-Year Celebration and 2025 Board Installation
January 23, 2025
Thursday, January 23, 2025 at Courtyard Marriott Austin Pflugerville
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THCC Big Game Squares Fundraiser
February 9, 2025
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Inside Look From the President - June 2023

By: Cherry Kay Abel, TDM | Jun 9, 2023

Goodbye message from our outgoing president Joe Bedsole, CIES, CSES

As the MPI THCC 2022-2023 leadership year draws to a close and we ready as a chapter to welcome the next round of board leaders it got me thinking of my years of MPI THCC involvement, I joined the MPI THCC board in 2008 and wound up serving a combined total of 8 years on the THCC board plus an additional 5-year term as an MPI THCC rep for the SW showcase steering committee. I was speaking about this with a co-worker, and they said I was a “glutton for punishment” but I had to disagree as I’ve always believed its better to be able to contribute and participate as a volunteer if you have to time and ability to do so. There are benefits of board & volunteer committee service that go beyond the obvious education & networking; areas such as collaboration and learning to strategically work with others, listening and validating others’ opinions and viewpoints, learning the ability to fundraise and how that can be the lifeblood of an organization. This past leadership year we have been celebrating the past and challenging the future – we faced the challenge of building back from the ravages of the pandemic and how it drastically affected the meetings profession and we have celebrated many successes, yet there is still work to be done. We’re living in a world where active shooter situations resulting in the murders of unsuspecting people going about their days has become common place, places where people gather and meet in large groups are often the targets. Every day we read the news online and see hateful laws being passed and policies being implemented that affect the basic human rights of our LGBTQ MPI members and their families, again there is more work to be done. As a chapter we can educate our members about DEI and continue to welcome members of all walks of life; we can educate and train our members to be prepared for critical active shooter situations. The opportunity is now, the requisite component is you. The new leadership term begins July 1, and our next board is focused and ready to roll but your support is needed - as a chapter member attending educational events, networking events and social events and more. If you’ve put off committing to being a chapter volunteer, now might be your time to shine – its your opportunity now to be a part of the group of leaders that brings THCC into its 41st year and its 4th decade of existence, cheers to you and to many new beginnings.

For this final president’s message, I’ll leave you with an old Irish blessing my grandmother would love to frequently share with us grandkids:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Peace be with you all,




Cherry Kay Abel, TDM





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