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President's Message

Inside Look From the President - March 2022

By: Cherry Kay Abel, TDM | Mar 12, 2022

I’m writing to you this month as spring is just beginning to show in little ways.  We are still having cold, rainy even icy days but these are populated with warm sunny days, and I see tiny shoots of green peeking out of the dirt.  I love spring for all the possibilities on display and for the reminder that life is about growth.  Growth is necessary to who we are as people and I for one am here for it!  

Sometimes we don’t accept growth because it means change.  Change is hard, there is a sadness to it, a loss for what was and what was comfortable, even purposeful.  It requires effort and a course correction.  My comfort zone is figuring out a plan, the best way to execute it, and staying the course.  I am so comfortable with my routines and for a long time resisted the idea of resilience (I wrote a whole article on this subject.)   At this point in my life, I have racked up a lot of life experiences and I have lost and I have won.  I have gained knowledge and figured out how best to get things done for myself.  This work makes for good “soil” and good “roots” and now it is time to nurture what has taken root.   

I am making a huge change in my work life and will be leaving Visit College Station and going to Texas A&M University Athletics.  That this is happening in the spring seems fitting and I can’t help but see the correlation between the season and a fresh start in my life.  Time to nurture something new, a new opportunity that, just like spring, feels optimistic.  I am excited about joining a passionate team—is there anything more passionate than college sports?  LOL—I’ve many robust conversations with my fellow board members on whose team is better! While I won’t be actively working in the college sports world, I feel the excitement by association and in working with the people who oversee Aggie sports.  That feels magical!

I am not saying that springtime demands a huge change, but I am saying look at where you are and feel the power of renewal that this season offers.  What would feel like growth for you?  Is there a part of your life that would benefit from a change or a balance shift?  I encourage you to use this season as a time for renewal.  You have good soil, and it is time to make space for room to grow and fruit to bear.



Cherry Kay Abel, TDM





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