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Overall Excellence Chapter Award



President's Message

Inside Look From the President - March 2019

By: Donna Musselman, CMP | Mar 14, 2019


Setting our Sights on Becoming a High-Performing Chapter
At the volunteer awards and installation lunch in May 2018, I spoke about how our chapter wants to create opportunities to connect with each other, inspire through events and education and continue to grow in strength to become a high-performing chapter.  Every year, MPI Global gives us a progress report in terms of membership, leadership, communication, educational value, finances and volunteer ratio.  Recently, we had our mid-year review to see how we are doing. It was reported that we are two points away from becoming a high-performing chapter.  Only 11 out of more than 90 MPI chapters received this award last year, and we are on pace to be in that elite category this year!

So let’s go shopping! Achieving the goal of high-performing chapter means more resources and opportunities for Global Points. With those points, we are able to “shop” at the Global store to win scholarships, speaker credits, memberships and so much more to help our chapter excel -- demonstrating once more the valuable resources and experiences that our membership has to offer.

THANK YOU for your support of the chapter, which continues to grow because of YOU, our members.  We ask for your continued help to finish strong as we diligently work on reaching this milestone. Here is how you can help:

1. Come to our education and networking events

    • Not only will you get top-notch education with EIC CEU credits for your CMP, you will also get to meet with industry peers for additional insights.

    • Personally, MPI has had a huge impact on my career. It has given me the opportunity to network with my colleagues in different aspects of the industry, and I have created relationships that inspire me to have better meetings.

2. Fill out the chapter post-event survey

    • We are here for you, our members. Let the Board of Directors and Education Team know how we are doing by participating in the education/networking surveys.

3. Complete the MPI Global Chapter Satisfaction Survey – coming in April

    • This survey asks some chapter-specific questions but is primarily looking at MPI as a global organization. Be on the lookout for more information about this survey. With your participation, our chapter benefits with more opportunities and scholarships to share with you, our members!

4. Offer your expertise in supporting the chapter’s objectives to educate and build our community

    • The more responses we get, the better able we are to offer the programs you are looking for.

    • If you know you will have some free time over the next couple of months and want to give back to the meetings and events industry, we can use your expertise for as much time as you want to give.

    • Nothing says this chapter is GREAT more than the member meeting professionals volunteering their time and talents to showcase how much we ROCK!

    • Seven years ago when I joined MPI Texas Hill Country, I was encouraged to support the chapter by giving my time and talents back to this industry. The journey since then has been exciting and eye-opening. Having learned many things because of my work with MPI Texas Hill Country, I have been able to grow professionally, discover more about the power of this incredible industry and develop strong relationships. I look forward to continuing my volunteer work and learning even more over the years.

We can achieve the milestone of becoming a high-performing chapter. Let’s walk alongside one another to reach this milestone together!

Donna Musselman, CMP
President, MPI Texas Hill Country Chapter



Donna Musselman, CMP

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