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Industry News


Did Someone Say Free?

MPISTL | May 13, 2020
MPI has been pleased to offer the MPI Academy on-demand education as a free resource for this limited time.

We're Here for You

MPISTL | Apr 7, 2020
A message from your MPI St. Louis Area Chapter Board of Directors in response to COVID-19...

5 Tips to Beat Holiday Stress

MPISTL | Dec 4, 2019
Being a meeting professional is stressful enough. Don't let the holidays add to it. Check out these easy tips for stressing less this holiday season.

EduCon 2020 Speaker Spotlight - Jan Spence

MPISTL | Nov 5, 2019
Join us at EduCon 2020 on February 11, 2020 where Jan Spence will kick off the conference with "Dare to Be Different: 3 Keys for Goal Setting Success."

September Tech Talk - Cvent

MPISTL | Sep 3, 2019
I’ve been spending a good deal of time this month working on training manuals for Cvent clients...

August Tech Talk - WEC19

MPISTL | Aug 5, 2019
Wow, Wow, Wow! What a summer of technology and events it has been - can it really be August already?

June Tech Talk - Tracking Apps

MPISTL | Jun 7, 2019
School’s out for summer! Ah, I used to love the excitement of kids being home, lazy summer days, watermelon suppers, and evening sunsets...until I started working in the event industry.


MPISTL | May 6, 2019
In less than 2 months, the premier event for meeting and event professionals, MPI’s World Education Congress, will convene in Toronto.

10 Reasons Why You Might be Unproductive

MPISTL | Apr 17, 2019
You're running late for a client call scheduled in ten minutes. You can't put your finger on an important email that you need to reference. You burned the midnight oil in an attempt to catch up on all the work on your desk. If these scenarios sound all-to-familiar, you know that disorganization directly impacts your productivity and affects your life, both at work and at home.

April Tech Talk - Attendee Engagement

MPISTL | Apr 17, 2019
Roadshows and tradeshows are a very popular part of the event industry these days, and with that always comes the question: "How do we increase interactivity with our vendors?"

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