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May 2024 – President’s Message


Christina-goldframeMPI St. Louis,

I am honored to continue to serve as the President of MPI St. Louis alongside our 2023/2024 Board of Directors. We share a common goal of investing in our chapter, our community, ourselves, and each other. As we start to approach the halfway mark of 2024, let us celebrate our chapter successes. Our membership has grown to 190 members and is continuing to grow at a rate of 10%. We have hosted exciting and innovative education and networking events along with a successful fundraising evening at our annual trivia night. I encourage you to engage with MPI St. Louis by attending our meetings and events, participating in our educational sessions, and connecting with each other.

I remember when I joined MPI St. Louis, almost ten years ago, and was asked to volunteer on the membership committee. A decade has flown by and it feels surreal to be writing you a letter as your Chapter President. I have learned to be a more effective leader, formed new friendships, and created new business opportunities for the companies I have worked for. I encourage you to be involved in a committee and fully engage with your MPI colleagues.  

As our board works to create the best experience for you and your membership, I look forward to connecting with all of you and learning the many ways we can create experiences that benefit you, because “When we meet, we change the world”.

Christina Eller
MPI St. Louis Chapter President


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