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MPI Potomac Ponderings: July 2024
July 29, 2024
DEI Educational Session: Reducing Unconscious Bias in Decision Making - Conducting Better Business
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Top Performing Chapter Award



MPI Potomac Chapter Mentorship Program Mentor Application

Please fill complete all fields below.

1. Please select the category in which your position fits best:

2. What is your experience level?

3. In order to ensure we pair our mentees with the best Mentor for them, we ask you provide the below information:
3a. How do you identify?

Role of the Mentor

·       Your Mentee will contact you to schedule the initial meeting and any subsequent meetings. Remember to guide the relationship, the quest for information and the substance of the partnership.

·       Discuss your expectations of the program with Mentee.

·       Confirm and keep all scheduled appointments with your Mentee.

·       Highlight industry events that you and your Mentee may participate in together and introduce your Mentee to industry leaders. Either virtually or hybrid.

·       Mentors can translate their own career journey for Mentees and how it impacted their career paths. 

·       Share your own setbacks. Sharing mistakes and professional setbacks can support Mentees in becoming more comfortable and ready to make mistakes since that's an inevitable part of the job and life.

·       Model good character. As a Mentor, you’re far more than a job supervisor. You’re a role model for how to interact with others on the job, not just what skills to perform. Demonstrating compassion, respect, self-confidence, and good decision-making skills can teach your mentee more than you realize.

·       Be willing to be proven wrong. Your Mentee may have an idea or ambition that seems unrealistic to you. Don’t discourage them immediately; give the idea some thought. Remember best practices in many workplaces change with the times. Especially if your mentee is younger than you, they may have a fresh perspective on new developments in your field.

·       Develop a Quarterly Action Plan with Mentee. This can include lunch, MPI Potomac Chapter events, other industry meetings and social events.

·       Learn and Have Fun!

We will only share your contact information (i.e. name, email address, phone number, and company) with your Mentee. 

By submitting this application, you understand that we will make every attempt to find a match, however, there is no guarantee. Once your mentee receives your contact information, it is their responsibility to contact you within 15 days to introduce themselves and schedule their initial meeting with you. This is a new program offered by MPI Potomac and we realize that it’s unlikely that there will be an issue with your match; however, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at MPIPotomacMentorship@gmail.com

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