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MPI Potomac Affiliate Membership

The Potomac Chapter is pleased to offer Affiliate Memberships available to Preferred or Premier Members of MPI in good standing that have a primary affiliation with another chapter.

Affiliate Member Info for the Website (2)

What’s it all about? 


You’re a member of another MPI Chapter. You have clients, customers, or programs that bring you to the DC area throughout the year.


Why not become an Affiliate Member of Potomac while you’re at it?


Affiliate Memberships allow MPI members to have close connections with another chapter and have numerous benefits, including:


  • Invitation to Potomac’s education programs and networking events throughout the year, at a member rate.

  • Access to Potomac member lists.

  • Building relationships and connections in another chapter by attending events or volunteering on a committee - these are great ways to expand your network!

  • Receiving all chapter communication.

  • Every benefit you receive at your primary MPI chapter is offered at your Affiliate chapter.


All the while, you maintain your primary membership at your home MPI chapter! 


The fee for an Affiliate Membership is $80 per year. Not only is this nominal compared to a primary membership, the return-on-investment is invaluable. 


Does this sound like a good idea? Complete the form below to join Potomac as an Affiliate member!

Interested in joining other chapters as an Affiliate Member? Click on their links below to complete your application at the same $80 rate: 


Please fill complete all fields below.



You must be a current MPI member to become an affiliate member of the MPI Potomac Chapter and your membership must have a minimum of 2 months left until renewal.

The chapter administration will contact you about payment once MPI membership has been verified.

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