Past Events


December Monthly Program – Your Next Attendee is on Facebook, Here is How to Find Them

December 19, 2017
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
The Benson Hotel
309 SW Broadway
Portland, OR
Stephanie Kennedy
Phone: (503) 626-8197

Click here to register

Join us at 11:00 am – 12:00 pm for the YEARBOOK SIGNING PARTY!!  Bring your 2017-2018 membership directory and have other members sign it!


Speaker – Kyle Hillman,, CMP, CMM

Facebook is more than just a venue to show of your family photos, or a platform to play Farmville. It is a robust targeting platform that allows you to reach a larger audience than your contact list allows. This session is an accessible presentation on how to use Facebook advertising platform to attract new attendees and promote your events to your clients and like minded users.

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