Past Events


November Monthly Program – Fundraising and Sponsorships

November 16, 2017
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
The Nines
525 SW Morrison Street
Portland, OR
Stephanie Kennedy
Phone: (503) 626-8197

Speaker – Lacey Beaty

In a world of chicken plated dinners, many organizations have started to question why their once tried and true fundraising technique is not bringing in the money they used to. Understanding how different generations experience the world is the first step into unlocking the potential for new donors. Lacey will bring humor to her presentation and you will walk away with some new techniques to bring the largest growing generation into your spaces.

About Lacey Beaty:
Lacey Beaty is a vibrant Gen Y’er, applying her college degrees in both Political Science and Organizational Leadership in positions as a Beaverton City Councilor, and Program Director for Virginia Garcia’s School Based Health Clinics. Lacey is sought after as a dynamic public speaker for various organizations, specializing in generational differences in the workplace and female military veteran reintegration issues. When she’s not busy getting things done, she and her husband and daughter are avid outdoor enthusiasts.

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