Overall Excellence Chapter Award



May Virtual Education - Coping with Chaos!

May 18, 2021
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Stephanie Green
Phone: 503-626-8197

Speaker:  John Hope-Johnstone, former head of Corvallis Tourism

I think everyone would agree that the 21st century has been one of the most chaotic periods in living history. In fact, Shell Oil says that 78% of all Americans have experienced major chaos in the last five years so why do some thrive and some don't?
It is not IF, but WHEN, chaos will strike -whether it is war or natural disasters, pandemics, loss of work, death of a loved one or money problems, chaos affects us personally. It really is how we cope with chaos, not the chaos itself.
We all have a personal map which represents our universe, and when that map doesn't agree with reality that is where we find chaos. Destruction of the map creates a chaos within us because we think we are the map and people have a hard time keeping it together if the new map doesn't look like we believe it should. We cling to the old map and it's the clinging that creates pain.

John Hope-JohnstoneAbout our speaker: 

John Hope-Johnstone has over 30 years of marketing experience as Director of Marketing and Vice President of Marketing for three major international hotel companies. He is Managing Director for HPR Digital Marketing, LLC. John is a ‘Certified Internet Marketer’ by the Internet Marketing Association. He has received his Inbound Marketing Certification from the Hubspot Academy and is certified by Google for marketing their online media. He is presently continuing his advanced certification programs in Internet Marketing at the University of California Irvine. He has authored three marketing books including Secrets for Successful Social Media Marketing and How to Market Tourism in the 21st Century. John is a member of the World Future Society.

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