Overall Excellence Chapter Award



State of the Industry

March 17, 2021
1:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Stephanie Green
Phone: 503-626-8197
new cascadia logo

Due to the ongoing pandemic, unemployment, and tight budgets, it was decided to postpone our annual three-day Cascadia Educational Conference until 2022 – but not until the committee had already put together a robust program. The Cascadia Team still wants to deliver some of the timeliest sessions they’d planned by offering members an enhanced education program on March 17th.

Join us for two and a half hours of valuable information from industry leaders and robust conversations with colleagues and peers.

Cost:  Pay what you can…suggested registration fee $15.00

Thank you to our Generous Sponsors!

A special thank you to the Monterey County Convention & Visitors Bureau
for sponsoring this program.
Thank you to Snapbar for our virtual photo booth



Brought to you by the 2021 Cascadia Educational Conference Team

State of the Industry Update
Michael Dominguez, President & CEO, Associated Luxury Hotels International (ALHI)

The experience of 2020 has absolutely been unexpected, uncertain, and devastating in many ways.  We now face a world, country, economy, and industry traveling a road much less traveled as we begin to restart our global commerce engine and hospitality industry.

The short-term post COVID19 environment will require our ability to work together, pivot often and learn as a community.  This session will examine the anticipated experience and industry protocols that will be in place in 2021.

Learning Objectives:

  • Update on the current situation regarding the Global state of COVID-19
  • Industry implementations of standards and protocols as our economy reopens
  • Current state of the economy and expectations for 2021
  • A review of travel experience changes and expectations

PNW Venue Managers: How We’re Moving Ahead


  • Chelene Potvin-Bird, Vice President of Sales & Servicing for Greater Tacoma Convention Center/Travel Tacoma (Moderator)
  • Sara Blayne, CMP, General Manager for the Lynnwood Convention Center
  • Sara Waltemire, CMP, CVP, Director of Sales & Events for Meydenbauer Center
  • Olivia Lofstedt, Senior Event Manager, Oregon Convention Center
  • Ali Ribordy, Director of Sales, Boise Centre
Learn about the panelists.

Interact with a panel of PNW convention center managers, as they share with us the steps their facilities are making to prepare for the return of in person meetings and events. Learn how each state differs in its live event parameters and how each facility is handling COVID safety precautions. Panelist will share how venues are responding to the pandemic with details highlighting venue upgrades, safety standards, food and beverage policies and physical distancing set-ups.

Learning Objectives:

  • Best practices for in-person event design as the world is recovering from the pandemic.
  • Understanding what to expect from your venue at your next in-person meeting.
  • Suggestions on what venues want planners to consider when developing their program for their next in-person event.

Venue Details

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