Dollars are being spent on events! Lots and lots of dollars. Attendees are paying for access to valuable information to be more successful, to enrich their lives, and to increase their education. Clients are paying to create opportunity and experience for attendees. Don't let a roll of the dice dictate ROI for the attendee or the client.
The lights will go down and the doors will be locked, but what do you have left from your event? In a world where every dollar is accounted for, and analytics is a key measurement of success, how can you provide the highest return on investment for every event? How can you take the ROI of any event to the next level?
One logical answer is to extend the reach and life of the event. The challenge, of course, How do you extend the reach and life of an event?The California native holds a degree in Communications and Public Relations from Utah State University. He and his wife, Lori, live in Madison, Wisconsin with their four kids. He enjoys golf, “old man” basketball, and family road trips. Scott volunteers as a mentor to hundreds of youth in southwest Wisconsin through speaking and teaching engagements, and uses his unique communication skills to relate to youth and their families.
The Benson Hotel
309 SW Broadway
Portland, Oregon