The annual MPI Greater New York Chapter Golf Outing was the chapter’s best-attended and highest revenue-generating event of the year. The objectives of the event are to create great networking opportunities, including experiences beyond golf so that more attendees can attend and so that this event has a great impact that provides sponsors with the justification to return each year.
This year, these objectives were all exceeded throughout the day, thanks to an innovative reception in New York City the night prior to the event, as well as a full day of non-golfing activities with programming focused on wellness and CSR.

What’s the “secret sauce” that helps a chapter succeed?
Andrew Barnes, chapter president: I believe that the secret sauce to helping a chapter succeed is ensuring everyone is aligned with the goals that are set out at the beginning of the board term. Ensuring every board member has their input and is focused on achieving what we set out to do at the beginning of the term. Building the trust in the board retreats and board meetings is key to the success.
Were there any “ah ha” moments or lessons learned in the past year that you’d like to share regarding your chapter’s approach to chapter events?
It is imperative to have quality events over quantity. There a number of committees needed to execute an event so being able to focus on a smaller number ensured that we were able deliver meaningful event experiences for our attendees.
How do you sustain success knowing good leaders will leave following their terms?
We have made it a point at the beginning of the board term to work on building the bench and succession plan, might not be for the next year but for years to come. We are lucky that we have such an active group of volunteers in our committees that we have been able to successfully fill our board positions for the last few terms.
What tips would you give to other MPI chapters?
1) Focus on what’s important that year to your members from the results received in the annual membership satisfaction survey.
2) Create simple and attainable goals at the beginning of the term and have updates throughout the year on where you are at. If a course correction is needed, make the change sooner rather than later.
3) Accountability is key. Speak up if you are feeling overwhelmed. The board is there to support you.