In the fourth installment of our "The Year of Sustainability" series, thought leader Carina Bauer tackles the UN Sustainable Development Goal, Sustainable Consumption & Production.
In an industry that relies on face-to-face interactions, our love-hate relationship with technology can mitigate the negative effects of social distancing and other stresses related to the current coronavirus pandemic.
The collective comfort zone of masculine business and leadership models is not only exhausting, but exacerbating the already bumpy path toward gender equality and positive social change.
Response to the coronavirus COVID-19 is changing rapidly in France, where gatherings of 1,000 or more attendees have been banned until further notice.
In the third installment of our "The Year of Sustainability" series, thought leader Carrie Abernathy, co-founder and executive director of the Association for Women in Events (AWE) explains why gender equality is a cornerstone to sustainability.
The first financial tip for busy parents and their children in this bi-monthly series, Dr. Mara Catherine Harvey presents: Financial Tips for Children.
Inclusion creates infrastructure for allowing the diversity within organizations to not only exist but thrive in a manner that enhances innovation and problem solving.
“A person’s identity ... is like a pattern drawn on a tightly stretched parchment. Touch just one part of it, just one allegiance, and the whole person will react, the whole drum will sound.”