Tips & Advice

3 All-Too-Common Reasons Event Speakers Mess Up

Meeting professionals can discover how to better understand the preparation undertaken by effective event speakers.

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Tips & Advice
As a passionate advocate for meetings for many years, it seemed timely that the meeting industry gained scientific evidence to demonstrate its value and to support design decisions.
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Discover the 6 ways to rock your next job interview with the Women in Leadership course.
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Whether your event is taking place domestically or internationally, you will likely have some shipping needs.

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How can event planners create events that are sponsor-friendly, and serve sponsors during the event?
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Selecting the right event speaker is one of the most important decisions you make for your conference. When you find the right person, he or she will set the tone for the whole event.
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Delegation during meeting planning opens you up to new ways of managing resources and achieving the best results for your meeting or event.
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So what should you obsess about as a savvy meeting professional, if you are to produce best-in-class events? My most successful clients do the following.
Tips & Advice
A sound event plan begins with an high-level understanding or a vision of what you want to achieve overall with a particular session and meeting.