Mimosa Sukanen

Mimosa Sukanen

By MPI Foundation | Jun 23, 2021

Mimosa Sukanen

EMEC 2020 Scholarship Recipient

Why did you apply for an MPI Foundation Scholarship?
I applied for the scholarship to network with event professionals and widen my international network. One important factor was to discuss and present my Master´s thesis subject which is closely linked with the hospitality and travel/tourism field. The thesis studies how to develop an experience service for foreigners why a diverse, international network is crucial for the project´s success.

Do you have a message for the sponsors and individuals who donate to make scholarships possible?
I thank all the sponsors for the scholarship possibility, otherwise I wouldn´t had had the chance to participate!

Please tell us about the scholarship you have received and its impact.
Thanks to the scholarship, a student member of MPI had the opportunity to travel to the conference, network with industry colleagues and gain new knowledge especially about event storytelling and marketing.

How has this scholarship impacted your career? Where do you see yourself within the meeting and event industry in the future?
During EMEC20 I gained new contacts world wide which is fantastic, and more importantly I had the chance to get to know my country MPI colleagues. The Finnish chapter contacts are important in developing my thesis in the near future. One of the Finnish organizers proposed that we could collaborate around this topic.

Since receiving the scholarship, share any positive things that have happened in your career or life as a result.
I got +20 new international contacts and we are linked on LinkedIn. The storytelling workshops were most rewarding; got practical ideas from there. I had the opportunity to present and pitch my thesis subject and got valuable feedback about it.

Any final notes?
Thank you very much!



MPI Foundation

The Meeting Professionals International (MPI) Foundation fuels the growth and advancement of MPI members by providing professional development and career opportunities through grants and scholarships. The not-for-profit organization also propels the meeting and event industry forward by funding important and quality research initiatives.