Establishing Individual Legacy in our Global Community



In celebration of MPI’s 50th Anniversary in 2022, MPI and the MPI Foundation are seeking industry champions who will commit to naming MPI or the MPI Foundation in their Estate Planning to help grow our endowments for future generations.

In that vein, from the earliest generations, mankind has sought to “meet” to grow appreciation and understanding of what our intersected lives can yield.

The MPI Foundation 1972 Society and the MPI Legacy Society serve to secure the future delivery of our overall mission to the Meetings and Events community.

Joining either society (or both) is simple!

Fill out the Declaration of Intent to offer an immediate gift OR defer to a future date. All that is needed today is confirmation of your commitment.

What’s the difference?

MPIF 1972 Society
Funds donated to the MPI Foundation 1972 Society help to further the MPI Foundation’s purpose of funding grants, scholarships, and pan-industry research in support of the global meeting and event industry. These are immediate needs and reflect ongoing efforts.

MPI Legacy Society
Funds donated to the MPI Legacy Society will be used to ensure that MPI, as an organization, is able to continue to provide create innovative programs and community support that offer a variety of education and development opportunities for individuals, chapters, and the community.

We are deeply grateful for these gifts, which will enable MPI and its volunteers to continue for generations to come.



Fill out a Declaration of Intent for MPI TODAY.





Brian Stevens*

Carole McKellar

David Kliman*

Gary Schirmacher*

Gerilyn Horan*

Hachim Rajraji

Jim Russell

Kathleen Ratcliffe*

Ken Sanders

Kevin Iwamoto*

LEO Events*

MPI Georgia

MPI North Florida**

Michelle Allgauer

Steve O’Malley*

Steven Foster

Susan Townsend*

Todd Marinko*


*Founding Donor

**Founding Chapter donor