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MPI Toronto Professional Development/Volunteer Recruitment May 10 2018

May 10, 2018
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Westin Harbour Castle Hotel
1 Harbour Square
Toronto, ON
MPI Toronto

Registration Now Open!

How interesting would it be to get analytics on your attendees interactions? How can you break down barriers amongst attendees? How can you guarantee more connections than ever before?

Join us on May 10 for an interactive night of networking and education.  We are excited to introduce to you Proxfinity, a startup company that offers new age technology to help take your networking sessions to the next level. Come learn and experience all the ‘how’s’ first hand by taking part in a next-generation networking session where we will be utilizing this technology via smart badges to connect you with individuals that are your perfect match. 

While connecting and networking, learn about the various committees available within the MPI Toronto Chapter, as well as WEC Toronto 2019 volunteer opportunities and how YOU can get more involved to get the most out of your membership!

Following the networking and volunteer reception, we will be joined over dinner by a dynamic guest speaker, Tim Arnold who has spent over two decades helping organizations unite teams, spark change and get unstuck. 

Network.  Connect.  Engage. Educate.  Get it all in one night.

We hope you will join us – we want to connect with you! 

Registration Now Open!

Thank you to our Sponsors:

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