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Professional Development - Boosting Your Superpower

May 6, 2020
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
MPI Toronto

If there’s one thing guaranteed in the meeting and events world, it’s the fact that something will go wrong. Did you know that as an event professional, you have a superpower to overcome this? Your resiliency is the power to think quickly on your feet and to hit out of the park whatever curveball is coming your way.

But how do you maintain your resiliency with so much uncertainty?

Jen Schrafft is a leadership speaker, facilitator, and professionally trained coach who will lead you through 3 exercises in a 90-minute webinar. 

The goal of this engaging webinar is to help you, the event professional, shift your mindset through action, to get back to seeing possibility and growth as the world comes out of the quarantine.

You will leave with a clear understanding of:

  • What does resilience look like for you
  • What you can do to build resilience within yourself
  • How control or lack of it, can impede your growth or help focus it
  • Action steps you can take today that put you in a growth mindset

This interactive webinar also includes downloadable tools for you to use afterward.

We are looking forward to seeing all you Superheroes and providing a place to come together and move beyond the Covid-19 barriers!

Jen Schrafft Coaching
white jacket

Jen’s ability to inspire her audiences is powered by a unique combination of relatability, practicality, and a passion for enabling people to be more intentional about their own success.

Funny, engaging, and warm, Jen shares real and easy to implement strategies to inspire her audience to want more, do more, and get more.

Jen also worked as an event professional for 20 years with companies such as Quaker Oats, Insurance Institute of Canada, BlackBerry, Manulife, and my own business, EventLoft. This experience confirmed Jen’s passion for helping others realize their maximum potential through a purposeful approach grounded in practical actions.

This professional development session is now full. To be put on a wait list please email and we will advise if a space becomes available.


This event will be via webinar presentation


The webinar will be approximately 90 minutes in duration

Non-Members: $60.00 + HST

HST R#124261454

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations must be received in writing by 5:00pm, May 3, 2020. No refund after May 3, 2020. NO SHOW – FULL FEE. If you have registered for the event and do not attend, there will be no refund granted. If payment has not been received, you will be invoiced for the registration fee.

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