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Just Networking 2020: A time for reflection, connection & gratitude

By: Mandy Moon | Published by MPI Toronto Chapter | Dec 14, 2020

Sometimes it feels like you are riding the Corona coaster (and at times it’s a ride you wish you weren’t tall enough for!) but the one thing you know for sure is that it will take more than a pandemic to break your connection with valued colleagues and treasured friends within your MPI Toronto Chapter family. 

The opportunity to connect is so important. Connections turn into relationships and it makes our world go round and round. Despite the uncertainty of what was happening, our amazing leadership team was able to pivot (yes, the dreaded ‘p’ word!) and developed virtual Just Networking sessions for members to connect, share challenges and triumphs, and most of all the chance to take a break and be inspired by the resiliency of our peers and our industry.

It’s seems like we’ve been in this social distancing, mask wearing situation for decades but it’s only been and as we close out our 2020 Just Networking season, we wanted to share a few highlights of members during this time, we thought it would be great to go down memory lane and highlight the fun we have had so far.

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Virtual Just Networking kicked off in the spring and from April to June, there were multiple sessions that kept the connection, engagement and conversations flowing. Discussions ranged from hobbies picked up during lockdown, to understanding Force majeure clauses to high spirited conversations about the future events to job hunting tips to name a few.

Then along came the nice summer weather and it was time to include more social aspects to the Just Networking events. Did someone say Trivia for the month of July? Here is a recap of #MPITO’s #JustNetworking Trivia Night!

Team “Raptors” get the bragging rights - congrats to Harpreet Atwal, Liz Akey, CMPPat Cluett, Lanie Collins, CMP, Mark AwadCynthia Marshall, Annie Chen, Andrew Dorcas and Tim Whalen, CMP for the win #MPITO

Our members were ready to shake what their mamma gave them during August’s virtual cocktail demo, learning how to make some great cocktails by Steve from Wayne Gretzky Estates! Tons of laughs were had.

On September 24th Virtual Just Networking was followed by the MPI Toronto Annual General Meaning. It was great for members to come together and have meaningful and engaging discussions pertaining to the topics of Hybrid/Virtual events, Sustainability post Covid-19 and Personal strategies for the Fall season.

For October’s Just Networking event we had a fun and interactive session with Stephan Dyer and Izzy Piyale-Sheard who shared their techniques to help you speak with confidence on your virtual meetings or interviews. Some great take-aways:

1. "Disconnect to Connect" i.e. turn off your phone/notifications etc.

2. "Tell people WHY you do what you do, WHY what you want to sell or get them to understand something vs WHAT".

Our last Just Networking for the year is on November 25. Speed networking – Roulette edition is on the roster! A fun and interactive opportunity to connect with members by random chance.

Now that we took a stroll down memory lane let’s see what is on the horizon. Save the date for January 12, 2021 = new year, new you! Follow @MPITO for event details. 

Until it is deemed safe to meet again in person (and what an impactful moment that will be) we will all stay strong together and find the courage to continue to move forward and support each other.

Your Just Networking Team, 

Mandy-Moon headshot
Mandy Moon (

Janet Green (



Mandy-Moon headshot
Mandy Moon | Published by MPI Toronto Chapter

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