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Gratitude: Reflections on 2020/2021 and Paying it Forward

By: Sheila Wong | Published by MPI Toronto Chapter | Dec 13, 2021

MPI Gratitude - Graphic - Socials

As small business owners, my business partner and I have been grateful for our network of loyal clients and, more recently, new clients who carried us through the worst of times. We were fortunate that our clients, pre-pandemic, remembered us when new opportunities arose at a time where there were few options for any business during the lock-down of an entire events industry.


It is our survival and the current comeback for which I am grateful. I am grateful that we took a leap of faith and invested in our employees’ training for the new world in which we’re operating.

But let us not forget, that there are those in our industry who have not had the chance to come back. They have been struggling to survive. With benefits that have run out, they are faced with an uncertain future. I personally know of a couple who are in very dark places. I know you do as well. While we’re celebrating our successes, let’s share our gratitude with those who have not yet joined us.


Reach out, as they may be too embarrassed to let you know. It can be a call to ask if they’re okay. Or share a job opportunity that has come across your desk. Recommend them to your business network, we know the jobs are out there.

Take action to show your gratitude. Pay it forward.


“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”

  • Maya Angelou

About the Author:

sheila wong

Sheila Wong, Senior Vice President
BBW Event Staff



sheila wong
Sheila Wong | Published by MPI Toronto Chapter

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