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For a Reiki-Inspired Energy Boost, Just Breathe

By: Nasreen Toorabally | Published by MPI Toronto Chapter | Apr 19, 2021

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A Look Ahead - What's Next - Series

Committee Note: Wrapping up our series “A Look Ahead – What’s Next?”, it’s important especially during these uncertain times, to take the moment for yourself and just breathe.  This concluding series post by Certified Reiki Teacher Nasreen is relatable and acts as a simple reminder to ground yourself during these busy and stressful times.

For a Reiki-Inspired Energy Boost, Just Breathe

Tired of feeling fatigued all the time? Want some easy ways to give your energy a boost?


I’ve got a secret: Many of the daily actions we take for granted — things like breathing, sleeping, or stretching — can be used as super simple energy boosters, especially when you need a quick pick-me-up or something to ground you in the middle of a busy day.


All too often, my day consists of yelling at my young twins. (We’re in the middle of a global pandemic — don’t judge me!) And while I should have it together as a certified Reiki teacher, I’m also human. And, like many of you, I happen to be under a lot of pressure since March 2020. But with 5-year-old twins at home with me 24/7, you can multiply all that stress and fatigue and burnout by two. Don’t get me wrong, I adore my little monsters, but when life becomes a bit too much for me to handle, I focus on my breathing to find a moment of calm and re-energize.


As a Reiki Master, I’m accustomed to connecting with Reiki for an energy boost and doing my daily meditation to channel my inner peace. I also help other people find peace, refresh and re-energize, and so much more. But sometimes we all just need a quick fix in the moment. And that’s when this super simple breathing technique comes in handy.


The trick? Breathe with intention.  We breathe all the time without thinking about it. But did you know that you’ll feel a surge of energy if you breathe with purpose?

Here’s how: Think about your favourite aroma. Close your eyes (if you can) and imagine you are breathing it in. Exhale. Repeat two more times. Simple as that.


For a complete list of Reiki-inspired energy boosting techniques, sign up here.
For a Reiki 101 video, click here.

About the Author:

nasreenFor Nasreen Toorabally, Reiki didn’t come naturally. Despite the fact that she is “Japanese at heart and Indian in heritage,” she didn’t embrace this traditional healing practice for many years. And yet today, as Reiki Teacher, Healer, and Founder of Japan Reiki Studio in Toronto, Nasreen is finding joy in the every day… thanks to Reiki.

You can find Nasreen at



Nasreen Toorabally | Published by MPI Toronto Chapter

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